Re: fbset 2.1, .49, various stuff

Subject: Re: fbset 2.1, .49, various stuff
From: Michel Pollet (
Date: Sat Aug 05 2000 - 11:35:20 MDT

on 31/07/2000 16:40, Samuel Rydh at wrote:

>> Maybe make a generic driver that allows registration of OSI function to be
>> called on specified TVecs...
> That would be neat. The main problem is argument passing
> (the linux side needs physical addresses and physically
> continuous memory). Moreover, there is the problem with mac
> header files on the linux side (they don't compile well since
> gcc does not like 68k alignment. I'm also uncertain whether
> it is legal to include the headers in the mol source).

I was thinking of something in the line of routinedescriptor stuff, where
you describe parameters/return values when you register your OSI call. If we
have a flag for "pointer" we could to the conversion automagicaly, for
parameters on one side, and for return value on the other.
Of course, the header problem still exists. That OSI/TVec mapping could only
be used as a notification mechanism more than anything.

I had a close look at TVector patching, it's awfully simple of versatile.

So, for that clipboard issue, I could:

+ on GetScrap()/PutScrap(), poll MOL for the X clip (probly not very
efficient, IMO)
+ on VT switching (or when focus resumes on MOL's X window), force a MacOS
Scrap operation.... wich leads me to that question: can we shedule MacOS
code to be executed from MOL's context ?

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