Re: mol-general Digest 5 Aug 2000 18:38:25 -0000 Issue 67

Subject: Re: mol-general Digest 5 Aug 2000 18:38:25 -0000 Issue 67
From: Emmanuel Schanzer (
Date: Sun Aug 06 2000 - 11:06:58 MDT

MOL is wonderful...I'm definitely enjoying it. Way to go!

A question: would it not be possible to give MOL access to PCI devices that
Linux is not using? I have an OrangePC card that Linux will never, ever
support...and there shouldn't be a problem of conflicts or race-conditions.
Would there be a way to let MOL access a specific card?

*Thinks* Linux running natively....with MacOS running natively in MOL...with
windows 98 running natively on the OrangePC......

Being new to the developer scene, I have a feeling this is next to
impossible, but I don't know enough to explain why. My apologies if I've
just asked the most foolish question of the year. :)


"So how many have you sucked?"
"I'm gonna have to take the fifth on that one."
"So you've done four already?"

-Andrew and Dale

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