Re: console video works / mouse does not

Subject: Re: console video works / mouse does not
From: Michael A. Peters ( )
Date: Tue Aug 08 2000 - 13:38:01 MDT

>I have searched the archives and found a few references to the above
>problem, but none of the solutions worked. I startmol and it switches
>to console video just fine. The keyboard works but the mouse does not.
>I have tried using 3 different types of mice (console trackpad,usb mac
>mouse,usb logitech mouse) and none of them work. I have tried
>ALL possible settings in /etc/molrc for the mouse configuration and I
>cannot get any of them to work. When I run within X with use_x_cursor
>set to "yes", the mouse works fine. Has anyone seen or experienced this
>before? Any help is GREATLY appreciated!
>My config:
>Powerbook Pismo 500
>Xfree86 4.0
>Mol 0.9.48
>I have attached my /etc/molrc file for any questions relating to it.
>thanks again,
># Mouse
># One of the following mouse settings should probably be used:
># device protocol
># -------------------------
># /dev/usbmouse, usb
># /dev/adbmouse, adb
># - console
>mouse_device: /dev/gpmdata
>mouse_protocol: adb # usb (ps2), adb, console
>mouse_dpi: 140 # higher == slower mouse
>use_x_cursor: no # use X cursor as mouse cursor

I have no idea if this would work, but try changing the mouse_protocol to

mouse_device /dev/input/mice
mouse_protocol usb

before trying that- check to see if /dev/input/mice exists
If you are using benh's kernel, that might be it.
If it doesn't exist, then don't bother...

if protocol usb doesn't work, try ps2 or imps2

I have never configured or run mol on a PB, let alone a pismo...

Michael A. Peters--

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