Re: Ext2 volumes from MOL

Subject: Re: Ext2 volumes from MOL
Date: Sun Aug 13 2000 - 16:00:52 MDT (Michael A. Peters) on 08/12/2000 03:32 PM GMT

Sent by: (Michael A. Peters)

Please respond to

cc: (bcc: Dung T Nguyen/dnguye8/LSU)

Subject: Re: Ext2 volumes from MOL

>upgraded to LinuxPPC 2000 I also changed the partition types to Linux_PPC
>for no other reason than that it seemed like the right thing to do. After
>that, Mac OS would freeze on loading the MountX extention.

I really wish the LinuxPPC people had left the partition naming
alone. They don't need to call it a Linux_PPC partition, and there
ain't nothing special about it- its just ext2- but it also causes
problems if switching to Yellow Dog linux, which doesn't know what to
with Linux_PPC partition name.

That was one of the things about 2000 that really bugged me- move
away from the standard with absolutely no benefit, but making it less
compatable with whats out there. Not a good thing to do.

>When I get a larger hard drive, I am going to install LinuxPPC on my PB G3
>Mainstreet. I figure I will use the Apple_UNIX_SVR2 type partitions since
>Linux can use that (I think) and I will see if MountX works properly.

Don't use linuxppc's gui partitioning tool. use pdisk to slice the
drive and mk2fs to write the ext2 filesystem.

Michael A. Peters--

i agree
i used pdisk myself
YDL is what i prefer


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