Re: getting MOL to run...

Subject: Re: getting MOL to run...
From: Erick Singley (
Date: Thu Mar 30 2000 - 12:59:46 MST

>I have a new G4 sawtooth/450 running YDL with the latest kernel
>(2.2.15pre14). I have virtual memory on the mac side turned off and am
>running MacOS9. Here are the contents of my molrc file:
>When I run startmol I get a new black window and the following messages:
>Warning: kernel-module version mismatch
> /usr/lib/mol/modules/mol.o was compiled for kernel version
> while this kernel is version 2.2.15pre14
>Any ideas what I am doing wrong?

This is the part I think that it's having problems with. - your
modules and system map don't match the nice kernel you have.

Visit and download (kernel, system
map, modules) on the linux side. (or FTP them in binary transfer mode
- when I tried just saving as a file from Mac Netscape, it claimed it
was no longer a valid .gz file)

Then, we follow the gist of the instruction at
----------------------------include copied text-----------------
4A. Installation of Pre-compiled Kernel

1.From Mac OS, expand the pre-compiled kernel file and copy the
decompressed kernel into your "Linux Kernels" folder in your "System
Folder". You can rename the file whatever you like.

2.Next, copy the "", "modules-x.x.x.tar.gz",
"mouse-x.x.x", "keyboard-x.x.x", "XF86Config.patch", and
"xkb-macintosh.patch" files to your "Exchange" partition for
transfer to Linux upon bootup.

  3.Open the BootX application and use your current kernel in the
pop-up. Also, enter "single" into the "More Kernel Arguments" field
of the dialog to start in single-user mode. Click on "Save Prefs" and
boot into Linux.

           NOTE: I recommend booting using your existing kernel just
for this step to ensure that the keyboard will be properly mapped to
make the adjustments and installation for the new kernel. You may
boot with the new kernel but your keyboard mapping may be incorrect.
This depends highly on what version of the kernel you are upgrading
from. Example: If you are upgrading from 2.2.6 to 2.2.10, the
keyboard mapping changed, and if you boot with the new kernel you
will have to fumble around to determine what keys to press to make
the changes.

   4.Once the system has booted, you should be presented with a
"sh-2.03#" prompt.

5. (this, of course assumes the files are in /exchange - you know
where you put them when you d/l them) (and of course replace x.x.x
with whatever nice new kernel Ben has made)

rm -f /boot/
gunzip -c /exchange/ > /boot/
rm -f /boot/
ln -s /boot/ /boot/

cd /lib/modules
  rm -rf x.x.x

(whatever was there before)

tar xvfz /exchange/modules-x.x.x.tar.gz
depmod -a x.x.x

6,7 (this describes patches to the system that may not be needed
depending on what you've installed in the first place )

8.Now, reboot the machine to get back to the BootX dialog.


       9.In the BootX dialog, choose the new kernel in the pop-up.
Remove the "single" entry from the "More Kernel Arguments". Click on
"Linux" to boot into
           Linux again.
     10.The system should now successfully boot using the new kernel.

Congratulations! You are now running on the newly installed kernel.

----------------------------end text----------------

double check that the modules are put in the right place when you
un-tar them - I think I had to move them - but I may have messed up
the first time - MOL is working nicely now on a G4- 400.

The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds new
discoveries, is not "Eureka!" (I found it!) but "That's funny ..."
                 -- Isaac Asimov

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