Re: Networking strangeness, osi_enet badness ?

Subject: Re: Networking strangeness, osi_enet badness ?
From: Charles McLachlan (
Date: Mon May 08 2000 - 10:30:26 MDT

Upon further investigation, it looks like the error message is coming from the
Mac Side driver (EnetDriver.c) rather than the Linux side (sheep_net.o)
when the function allocb fails.

Also, the "Can't allocate datas" errors do not in themselves indicate total
brokenness, they just spew out at such a teriffic rate as to flood my X server
and network, so grinding everything to a halt.

DHCP seems to work and it gets itself an address, but then if any sort of other
heavy network use occurs (like reading a file via nfs, or connecting to the VNC
port) the MOL networking locks up and the "Can't allocate" message stream forth.

Once Linux stops using the network, Mol comes back to life, which implies that
while not totally happpy playing together, Mol and Linux at least respect one

The more I delve into this, the more the feeling grows that this is a fixed
limit. Linux can do networking, or Mol can, but not both together. Which is a

Does anyone who knows these drivers (sheep_net.o and osi_enet.nw) care
to comment?

Charlie McLachlan 
	AT&T Research Lab. Cambridge.

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