Re: > 32MB ram?

Subject: Re: > 32MB ram?
From: Tim Senecal (
Date: Mon May 15 2000 - 10:37:14 MDT


you configure MOL's ram in the molrc file:

ram_size: xxx

where xxx is anything you want, up to the size of your linux swap
partition's size.

ie, I have a G4 with 192mb of ram, and a 512mb swap partition, the molrc
file currently has a ram_size setting of 128, but I have had it as high as
256 with no problems.

also note, you want to turn virtual memory in Mac OS OFF...


At 12:08 PM 5/15/2000 -0400, you wrote:
>I just saw Jason's question, and he has 64MB of memory. when I run
>startmol on my machine (and i just got it running today), i've only
>got 32. Now, I would like to go look at the archives, but
> says theyre "coming soon."
>ive got 192MB of memory, and gobs of free disk space for virtual. how
>can i configure this?

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