- Help please

Subject: - Help please
From: Icilio PIGNATELLO (Icilio.PIGNATELLO@venturanet.it)
Date: Fri May 19 2000 - 15:13:37 MDT


Please help me ..
I want to unsubscribe from this list.

Bye, bye
        | Icilio PIGNATELLO icilio@venturanet.it |\__/
        | Ventura Srl Turin - ITALY |
        | Ventura net http://www.venturanet.it/ |
        | +39 800 396742 +39 11 4471054 /Fax |
        | |
        | Network Administrator |
        | Site & System Engineer |
        | Internet Consulting - UNIX SysAdmin |
        | MacOS & UNIX Enthusiast |
        | Cisco SupportPro Certified |
     /~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ |

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