early 32bit hextile support!

Subject: early 32bit hextile support!
From: bob hawbaker (bhawbaker@uswest.net)
Date: Sun Sep 24 2000 - 15:42:20 MDT

i got tired of the raw-encoding only support in the mol's vnc code so
i decided to do a quick-n-dirty code to get the hextile in..
currently it supports only 32bit.. i tested it only with 1024x768..
using it at 16bit (15bit) results in garbage screen and mabye vnc
thread hanging...

nevertheless, i am sure that someone out there really want hextile
*NOW* like i did and don't mind the only 32bit limitation :) so
here is the new vncvideo.c. i used the hextile code from
vnc_unixsrc.. maybe someone can fix the <32bit problem.. no copyrect
support, sorry.. mol returns only line by line changes so can't do
rect at this time.


------ vncvideo.c

  * Copyright (C) 1999, 2000 AT&T Laboratories Cambridge. All Rights Reserved.
  * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
  * (at your option) any later version.
  * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  * GNU General Public License for more details.
  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  * along with this software; if not, write to the Free Software
  * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307,
  * USA.

  * vncvideo.c - a driver for mol which exports the display via the VNC protocol
  * This pretty much a hack. There are lots of things done very inelegantly
  * and sometimes just plain wrong. Do not be surprised if it doesn't work.
  * To enable this driver put enable_vncvideo in your molrc.
  * To specifiy which port to use to serve VNC add a line like this:
  * vnc_port: 5900
  * If you don't specifiy vnc_port you'll get a random one (probably)
  * It serve unauthenticated VNC (i.e. anyone with access to your vnc
port has ac
  * ess to MOL). There is no http server (yet) so java connections won't work.
  * Christian Bauer - original Basillisk II X-driver
  * Samuel Rydh - original xvideo driver and, of course, MOL.
  * Tristan Richardson - VNC
  * Nick Hollighurst - Linux hackery
  * Charlie McLachlan cim@uk.research.att.com
  * http://www.uk.research.att.com/vnc
  * http://www.ibrium.se
  * 0.0.0 - 8 May 2000

#include "mol_config.h"

#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include <X11/Xutil.h>
#include <X11/keysym.h>
#include <X11/extensions/XShm.h>
#include <sys/ipc.h>
#include <sys/shm.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <driver_mgr.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <netinet/tcp.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/poll.h>

#include "verbose.h"
#include "debugger.h"
#include "res_manager.h"
#include "memory.h"
#include "mouse_sh.h"
#include "wrapper.h"
#include "thread.h"
#include "video.h"

#include "adb.h"

// --- Basic VNC definitions -----

typedef unsigned char CARD8;
typedef unsigned short CARD16;
typedef unsigned int CARD32;

#include "rfbproto.h"

// --- Mol definitions ----------


typedef unsigned char uint8;
typedef int bool;
#define false 0
#define true 1

#define ADBKeyDown( ch ) adb_key( (ch & 0x7f) );
#define ADBKeyUp( ch ) adb_key( (ch | 0x80) );

// ---- vnc helper macros ----------

#define CARD32IntoCARD8Star(a, b) \
   *(b++) = ((a) & 0xff000000) >> 24; \
   *(b++) = ((a) & 0xff0000) >> 16; \
   *(b++) = ((a) & 0xff00) >> 8; \
   *(b++) = ((a) & 0xff);

#define SwapCARD32IntoCARD8Star(a, b) \
   *(b++) = ((a) & 0xff); \
   *(b++) = ((a) & 0xff00) >> 8; \
   *(b++) = ((a) & 0xff0000) >> 16; \
   *(b++) = ((a) & 0xff000000) >> 24;

#define CARD16IntoCARD8Star(a, b) \
   *(b++) = ((a) & 0xff00) >> 8; \
   *(b++) = ((a) & 0xff);

#define SwapCARD16IntoCARD8Star(a, b) \
   *(b++) = ((a) & 0xff); \
   *(b++) = ((a) & 0xff00) >> 8;

#define IndexedToRemote(i) \
               ((mac_pal[i*3] * remote_format.redMax + 127) / 255) \
               << remote_format.redShift | \
               ((mac_pal[i*3 + 1] * remote_format.greenMax + 127) / 255) \
               << remote_format.greenShift | \
               ((mac_pal[i*3 + 2] * remote_format.blueMax + 127) / 255) \
               << remote_format.blueShift;
#define RGB555ToRemote(i) \
  (((((i >> 10) & 31) * remote_format.redMax + 15) / 31) \
                                       << remote_format.redShift) | \
  (((((i >> 5) & 31) * remote_format.greenMax + 15) / 31) \
                                       << remote_format.greenShift) | \
  ((((i & 31) * remote_format.blueMax + 15) / 31) \
                                       << remote_format.blueShift);

#define RGB565ToRemote(i) \
  (((((i >> 11) & 31) * remote_format.redMax + 15) / 31) \
                                       << remote_format.redShift) | \
  (((((i >> 5) & 63) * remote_format.greenMax + 31) / 63) \
                                       << remote_format.greenShift) | \
  ((((i & 31) * remote_format.blueMax + 15) / 31) \
                                       << remote_format.blueShift);

/* #define RGB888ToRemote(i) \
   (((((i >> 16) & 0xff) * remote_format.redMax + 127) / 255) \
             << remote_format.redShift) | \
   (((((i >> 8) & 0xff) * remote_format.greenMax + 127) / 255) \
             << remote_format.greenShift) | \
   ((((i & 0xff) * remote_format.blueMax + 127) / 255) \
             << remote_format.blueShift); */

#define ARGB8888ToRemote(i) \
   (((((i >> 16) & 0xff) * remote_format.redMax + 127) / 255) \
             << remote_format.redShift) | \
   (((((i >> 8) & 0xff) * remote_format.greenMax + 127) / 255) \
             << remote_format.greenShift) | \
   ((((i & 0xff) * remote_format.blueMax + 127) / 255) \
             << remote_format.blueShift);

// --- Functions called by Mol via the module interface ----

static int vnc_init( video_module_t *mod );
static void vnc_cleanup( video_module_t *mod );
static int vopen( video_desc_t *mode );
static void vclose( void );
static void vrefresh( void );
static void setcmap(char *pal);

static bool sendHextiles8( int x, int y, int w, int h);
static bool sendHextiles16( int x, int y, int w, int h);
static bool sendHextiles32( int x, int y, int w, int h);

video_module_t vnc_module = {
         "vnc", vnc_init, vnc_cleanup, vopen,
         vclose, vrefresh, setcmap,
         NULL, NULL

// cache the Mac's palette
static unsigned char mac_pal[256 * 3];

// bpp = bytes per pixel
static int offscreen_bpp = 2;
static int output_bpp = 2;

// --- vnc functions -------------------------------

// the main thread. This calls the others

static void vnc_func(void *arg);

static void send_update();
static void translate(unsigned char *in, unsigned char *out, int pixels);
static bool send_rect(int x, int y, int w, int h);

static int ks_decode(CARD32 ks);

static bool request_received = false;
static volatile int vnc_sock = -1;
static bool vnc_sock_valid = true;

bool read_exact(unsigned char *buffer, int size);
bool write_exact(const unsigned char *buffer, int size);

static rfbPixelFormat remote_format;

// --- listen thread -------------

static void listen_func(void *arg);

// --- vnc thread / main communication

static bool force_redraw = false;
static bool is_open = false;

static unsigned char *offscreen_buf = NULL; // The Mac's Buffer
static unsigned char *output_buf = NULL;
static long output_buf_size = 0;

static pthread_mutex_t buffers_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;

static video_desc_t vmode; // format of the Mac's buffer
static bool connection_running = false; // is anyone connected?

static void init_translationtable();

static volatile CARD8 translationtable[65536 * 4];

// --- listen / main communication

static volatile bool listener_must_die = false;

static bool g_CanHextile = false;

/* ***************************************************************

           Main thread (module entry points)
*************************************************************** */

static int vnc_init( video_module_t *m )
   const int depths[] = { 8, 16, 24, 32 };
   video_desc_t *vm;
   int i;
   LOG( "vnc_init called\n" );

   if( get_bool_res("enable_vncvideo")!=1 )
     return 1;

   vm = calloc( 4, sizeof( video_desc_t ));
   vnc_module.modes = vm;
   for(i=0; i<4; i++ ){
           vm[i].offs = -1;
           vm[i].rowbytes = -1;
           vm[i].h = -1;
           vm[i].w = -1;
           vm[i].depth = depths[i];
           vm[i].next = (i+1<4) ? &vm[i+1] : NULL;
   is_open = false;

   // start a listening thread
   create_thread( listen_func, NULL, "VNC-Listener");
   return 0;

static void vnc_cleanup(video_module_t *m )
   int k = 0;
   struct sockaddr_in self;
   int self_socket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
   int addrlen = sizeof(self);
   LOG("vnc_cleanup called\n");

   if (vnc_sock != -1)
     LOG("Shutting down vnc sock\n");
     // the next poll or read will fail and exit the vnc_func

     shutdown(vnc_sock, 2);
     vnc_sock_valid = false;
     while((vnc_sock != -1) && (k < 60))
       LOG("Waiting for vnc thread\n"); k++;
   LOG("Shutdown listener\n");

   // you can't stop an accept once it has started.
   // So set a flag and prod the listening thread into activity
   listener_must_die = true;
   self.sin_family = AF_INET;
   if (get_numeric_res("vnc_port") == -1)
       self.sin_port = 0;
       self.sin_port = get_numeric_res("vnc_port");
   self.sin_addr.s_addr = 0x7f000001; // local loop back
   LOG("Trying to connect to self \n");
   LOG("Result %d\n", connect(self_socket, &self, addrlen));

   free( vnc_module.modes );

static int vopen(video_desc_t *org_vm )
   LOG( "vopen called\n" );

   vmode = *org_vm;

   //LOG( "offs=%d rowbytes=%d width=%d heigh=%d depth=%d\n",
vmode.offs, vmode.rowbytes, vmode.w, vmode.h, vmode.depth );

   if (is_open)
     LOG("Open called twice!\n");
     return 1;

   offscreen_buf = map_zero( NULL, FBBUF_SIZE(org_vm));
   //LOG( "mapped offscreen_buf = %lx size = %d\n", (long)
offscreen_buf, FBBUF_SIZE(org_vm) );

   //output_buf_size = org_vm->w * 4;
   output_buf_size = 10000;
   output_buf = malloc( output_buf_size );
   //LOG( "output_buf = %lx size = %ld\n", (long) output_buf,
output_buf_size );
    // Fill in the fields video.c expects
   org_vm->mmu_flags = MAPPING_FB_ACCEL | MAPPING_FORCE_CACHE;
   org_vm->map_base = 0;
   org_vm->lvbase = offscreen_buf;

   vmode = *org_vm;

   offscreen_bpp = (vmode.depth + 7) / 8;
   if (offscreen_bpp == 3) offscreen_bpp = 4;

   _setup_fb_accel( vmode.lvbase+vmode.offs, vmode.rowbytes, vmode.h );

   is_open = true;


   return 0;

static void vclose( void )
   //LOG( "vclose called\n" );

   if( !is_open )
   is_open = false;

   _setup_fb_accel( NULL, 0, 0 );

   munmap( offscreen_buf, FBBUF_SIZE(&vmode) );
   offscreen_buf = NULL;

   output_buf = NULL;
   output_buf_size = 0;


static void vrefresh( void )
   force_redraw = true;

static void setcmap(char *pal)
   if (vmode.depth != 8)
   memcpy(mac_pal, pal, 256 * 3);


/* ***************************************************************

          VNC functions
*************************************************************** */

void vnc_func(void *arg)
   unsigned char buffer[256];
   CARD32 encodingBuffer[20];
   CARD32 auth = rfbNoAuth;
   CARD8 lastbuttonmask = 0;

   const rfbPixelFormat eight = { 8, 8, 1, 1, 3, 7, 7, 0, 2, 5 };
   const rfbPixelFormat sixteen = { 16, 16, 1, 1, 31, 31, 31, 0, 5, 10 };
   const rfbPixelFormat thirtytwo = { 32, 32, 1, 1, 255, 255, 255, 0, 8, 16 };
   const char *display_name = "MOL via VNC";
   int i;

   rfbSetPixelFormatMsg set_pixels;
   rfbSetEncodingsMsg set_encodings;
   rfbFramebufferUpdateRequestMsg request;
   rfbKeyEventMsg key;
   rfbPointerEventMsg pointer;
   rfbClientCutTextMsg cut;
   rfbServerInitMsg server_init;

   bool caps_on = false; // Flag: Caps Lock on

   request_received = false;

   LOG("vnc_func starts as pid %d\n", getpid());
   snprintf(buffer, 256, rfbProtocolVersionFormat, rfbProtocolMajorVersion,

   if (!write_exact(buffer, 12)) goto endo;

   if (!read_exact(buffer, 12)) goto endo;

   if (!write_exact((unsigned char *)&auth, sizeof(auth))) goto endo;

   if (!read_exact(buffer, sizeof(CARD8))) goto endo;

     case 8:
       server_init.format = eight; break;
     case 15:
     case 16:
       server_init.format = sixteen; break;
     case 24:
     case 32:
       server_init.format = thirtytwo; break;

   server_init.framebufferWidth = vmode.w;
   server_init.framebufferHeight = vmode.h;
   server_init.nameLength = strlen(display_name);
   if (!write_exact((unsigned char *)&server_init, sizeof(server_init)))
             goto endo;
   if (!write_exact(display_name, strlen(display_name))) goto endo;

   force_redraw = true;

     if (!read_exact(buffer, sizeof(CARD8)))
       goto endo;
       case rfbSetPixelFormat:
        //LOG( "rfbSetPIxelFormat\n" );

         if (!read_exact(((unsigned char *)&set_pixels) + 1,
                  sz_rfbSetPixelFormatMsg - 1) < 0) goto endo;

         connection_running = true;
         remote_format = set_pixels.format;
         output_bpp = remote_format.bitsPerPixel / 8;

        //LOG( "setting output_bpp to %d\n", output_bpp );


       case rfbSetEncodings:
         if (!read_exact(((unsigned char *)&set_encodings) + 1,
             sz_rfbSetEncodingsMsg - 1) < 0) goto endo;

        //LOG( "rfbSetEncoding - %d encodings\n", set_encodings.nEncodings );
         if (!read_exact((unsigned char*)&encodingBuffer,
sizeof(CARD32) * set_encodings.nEncodings) < 0)
           goto endo;

        g_CanHextile = false;
        for(i=0;i < set_encodings.nEncodings; ++i)
           //LOG( "rfbSetEncoding - likes %d\n", encodingBuffer[i] );

           if ( encodingBuffer[i] == rfbEncodingHextile )
              g_CanHextile = true;

       case rfbFramebufferUpdateRequest:
        //LOG( "update request\n" );

         if (!read_exact(((unsigned char *)&request) + 1,
           sz_rfbFramebufferUpdateRequestMsg - 1) < 0) goto endo;

         request_received = true;
       case rfbKeyEvent:
         int code;
        //LOG( "rfbKeyEvent\n" );

         if (!read_exact(((unsigned char *)&key) + 1,
           sz_rfbKeyEventMsg - 1) < 0) goto endo;

         code = ks_decode(key.key);

         if (code == 0x39) // Caps Lock pressed
            if ((!caps_on) && (key.down))
             caps_on = true;
           else if ((caps_on) && (!key.down))
             caps_on = false;
         if (key.down)
       case rfbPointerEvent:
        //LOG( "rfbPointerEvent\n" );

         if (!read_exact(((unsigned char *)&pointer) + 1,
                   sz_rfbPointerEventMsg - 1) < 0) goto endo;

         if (pointer.buttonMask != lastbuttonmask)
                   mouse_but_event( pointer.buttonMask ? kMouseEvent_Down1
                                             : kMouseEvent_Up1);

         lastbuttonmask = pointer.buttonMask;

         mouse_move_to( pointer.x, pointer.y );
       case rfbClientCutText:
         if (!read_exact(((unsigned char *)&cut) + 1,
                                 sz_rfbClientCutTextMsg - 1) < 0) goto endo;

           int i = cut.length;
           if (i > 256) i = 255;
           if (!read_exact(buffer, i) < 0) goto endo;
           cut.length -= i;
         LOG("Bad message %x\n", buffer[0]);
         goto endo;

   connection_running = false;
   LOG("Closing vnc_sock\n");
   LOG("Result %d \n", close(vnc_sock));
   vnc_sock_valid = false;
   vnc_sock = -1;
   LOG("------- vnc_func ends\n");

void init_translationtable()
   int i;
   CARD16 tone = 0;
   CARD32 ttwo;
   CARD8 *pos;
   if (!is_open) return;

   if (!connection_running) return;

   LOG("init_translationtable %d %d\n",
                                 vmode.depth, remote_format.bitsPerPixel);

   pos = (CARD8 *)translationtable;

     case 8:
       for(i = 0; i < 256; i++)
           case 8:
             *(pos++) = IndexedToRemote(i);
           case 16:
             tone = IndexedToRemote(i);
             if (remote_format.bigEndian)
               CARD16IntoCARD8Star(tone, pos);
               SwapCARD16IntoCARD8Star(tone, pos);
           case 32:
             ttwo = IndexedToRemote(i);

             if (remote_format.bigEndian)
               CARD32IntoCARD8Star(tone, pos);
               SwapCARD32IntoCARD8Star(tone, pos);


     case 16:
     case 15:
       for(i = 0; i < 65536; i++)
           case 8:
             translationtable[i] = RGB555ToRemote(i);


           case 16:
             tone = RGB555ToRemote(i);

             if (remote_format.bigEndian)
               CARD16IntoCARD8Star(tone, pos);
               SwapCARD16IntoCARD8Star(tone, pos);
           case 32:
             ttwo = RGB555ToRemote(i);
             if (remote_format.bigEndian)
               CARD32IntoCARD8Star(ttwo, pos);
               SwapCARD32IntoCARD8Star(ttwo, pos);

void send_update()
   int i, y=-1, hight;
// struct timespec close_req = {0, 1}; /* 60 Hz */
   rfbFramebufferUpdateMsg msg;
   short dirty_buffer[80];
   int dirty_size = 0;

   // wait for sock and fb to become valid
   if ((vnc_sock_valid == false) || (vnc_sock == -1) ||
           (is_open == false) || (offscreen_buf == NULL))
     //LOG( "sock/fb not ready, EXITING send_update\n" );

   if (force_redraw)
     dirty_size = 1;

     _get_dirty_fb_lines(dirty_buffer, sizeof(dirty_buffer) );
     dirty_buffer[0] = 0;
     dirty_buffer[1] = vmode.h - 1;

     force_redraw = false;
   if (!dirty_size)
     dirty_size = _get_dirty_fb_lines(dirty_buffer, sizeof(dirty_buffer) );

   if (!dirty_size)

   //LOG( "now sending update, size=%d\n", dirty_size );

   msg.type = rfbFramebufferUpdate;
   msg.nRects = dirty_size;

   request_received = false;

   // send the update

   if (!write_exact((unsigned char *)&msg, sizeof(msg)))
     //LOG( "failed to write update header\n" );
   for( i = 0; i < dirty_size; i++ )
     y = dirty_buffer[i*2];
     hight = dirty_buffer[i*2+1] - dirty_buffer[i*2] + 1;

     if (!send_rect(0, y, vmode.w, hight))
       //LOG( "failed to send rect, leaving send_update\n" );

   //LOG( "leaving send_update\n" );

static bool send_rect_hextile( int x, int y, int w, int h );

bool send_rect(int x, int y, int w, int h)
   int hh;
   bool res;
   rfbFramebufferUpdateRectHeader rect;

   //LOG("Send %dx%dx%dx%d Dep=(%d -> %d) Bpp=(%d -> %d)\n",
   // x, y, w, h,
   // vmode.depth, remote_format.bitsPerPixel,
   // offscreen_bpp, output_bpp);

   if ( g_CanHextile )
           return send_rect_hextile( x, y, w, h );

   //LOG( "sending rawdata\n" );

   rect.encoding = 0;
   rect.r.x = x;
   rect.r.y = y;
   rect.r.w = w;
   rect.r.h = h;

   //LOG("Send %d %d %d %d (%d -> %d) (%d -> %d)\n", x, y, w, h,
   // vmode.depth, remote_format.bitsPerPixel,
   // offscreen_bpp, output_bpp);

   if(!write_exact((unsigned char *)&rect, sizeof(rect))) return false;

   for(hh = 0; hh < h; hh ++)

     translate(offscreen_buf + vmode.offs + (x + (y + hh) * vmode.w)
               * offscreen_bpp, output_buf, w);

     res = write_exact(output_buf, w * output_bpp);


     if(!res) return false;

   return true;

void translate(unsigned char *in, unsigned char *out, int pixels)
   int x;
   CARD32 trans = 0;
   CARD32 ttwo;

   CARD32 *in32 = (CARD32 *)in;
   CARD16 *in16 = (CARD16 *)in;
   CARD8 *in8 = (CARD8 *)in;

   //LOG( "translate( %lx, %lx, %d ) ( %d -> %d )\n", (long) in,
(long) out, pixels, vmode.depth, output_bpp );

   if (vmode.depth != 32)
     for(x = 0; x < pixels; x++)
         case 8:
           trans = *(in8++);
         case 15:
         case 16:
           trans = *(in16++);
           //LOG("input pixel is %04x\n", trans);
           LOG("bad vmode.depth %d\n", vmode.depth);

         case 1:
           out[x] = translationtable[trans];

         case 2:
           *(out++) = translationtable[trans * 2];
           *(out++) = translationtable[trans * 2 + 1];

         case 4:
           *(out++) = translationtable[trans * 4];
           *(out++) = translationtable[trans * 4 + 1];
           *(out++) = translationtable[trans * 4 + 2];
           *(out++) = translationtable[trans * 4 + 3];
           LOG("bad output_bpp (1) %d\n", output_bpp);
     for(x = 0; x < pixels; x++)
       trans = *(in32++);
       ttwo = ARGB8888ToRemote(trans);
       case 1:
         out[x] = ttwo;

       case 2:
         if (remote_format.bigEndian)
           CARD16IntoCARD8Star(ttwo, out);
           SwapCARD16IntoCARD8Star(ttwo, out);

       case 4:
         if (remote_format.bigEndian)
           CARD32IntoCARD8Star(ttwo, out);
           SwapCARD32IntoCARD8Star(ttwo, out);

         LOG("bad output_bpp (2) %d\n", output_bpp);

bool send_rect_hextile( int x, int y, int w, int h )
        //int hh;
        //bool res;
        rfbFramebufferUpdateRectHeader rect;
        rect.encoding = rfbEncodingHextile;

        //LOG( "send_rect_hextile( %d, %d, %d, %d )\n", x, y, w, h );

        rect.r.x = x;
        rect.r.y = y;
        rect.r.w = w;
        rect.r.h = h;

        if ( !write_exact( (unsigned char*) &rect, sizeof(rect) ) )
                LOG( "failed to write hextile header\n" );
                return false;

        switch( vmode.depth )
                case 8:
                        return sendHextiles8( x, y, w, h );

                case 15:
                case 16:
                        return sendHextiles16( x, y, w, h );

                case 32:
                        return sendHextiles32( x, y, w, h );

                        LOG("bad vmode.depth %d\n", vmode.depth);
                        return false;

        return false;

static int ublen = 0;

static void copypixels( unsigned char* in,
                        unsigned char* out,
                        int ps,
                        int rw,
                        int w,
                        int h )
    int y;
    int rowBytes = w * ps;
    int realRowBytes = rw * ps;

    //LOG( "in=%lx out=%lx ps=%d rw=%d w=%d h=%d realRowBytes=%d
rowBytes=%d\n", (long) in, (long) out, ps, rw, w, h, realRowBytes,
rowBytes );

    for( y = 0; y < h; ++y )
        //LOG( "y=%d in=%lx out=%lx\n", y, (long) in, (long) out );

        memcpy( out, in, rowBytes );
        in += realRowBytes;
        out += rowBytes;

#define PUT_PIXEL8(pix) (updateBuf[ublen++] = (pix))

#define PUT_PIXEL16(pix) (updateBuf[ublen++] = ((char*)&(pix))[0], \
                          updateBuf[ublen++] = ((char*)&(pix))[1])

#define PUT_PIXEL32(pix) (updateBuf[ublen++] = ((char*)&(pix))[0], \
                          updateBuf[ublen++] = ((char*)&(pix))[1], \
                          updateBuf[ublen++] = ((char*)&(pix))[2], \
                          updateBuf[ublen++] = ((char*)&(pix))[3])

static bool subrectEncode##bpp(CARD##bpp *data, int w, int h, CARD##bpp bg, \
                               CARD##bpp fg, bool mono); \
static void testColours##bpp(CARD##bpp *data, int size, bool *mono, \
                             bool *solid, CARD##bpp *bg, CARD##bpp *fg); \
/* \
  * rfbSendHextiles \
  */ \
static bool \
sendHextiles##bpp( int rx, int ry, int rw, int rh ) \
{ \
     int x, y, w, h; \
     int startUblen; \
     CARD##bpp bg, fg, newBg, newFg; \
     bool mono, solid; \
     bool validBg = false; \
     bool validFg = false; \
     CARD##bpp clientPixelData[16*16*(bpp/8)]; \
     int hh; \
     unsigned char* updateBuf; \
     unsigned char* fbptr; \
     unsigned char* clptr; \
     ublen = 0; \
     bg = 0; \
     fg = 0; \
     newBg = 0; \
     newFg = 0; \
     updateBuf = output_buf; \
     /* LOG( "sendHextiles%dbpp( %d, %d, %d, %d )\n", bpp, rx, ry, rw,
rh ); */ \
     /* LOG( "offscreen_bpp=%d\n", offscreen_bpp ); */ \
     for (y = ry; y < ry+rh; y += 16) { \
        for (x = rx; x < rx+rw; x += 16) { \
            w = h = 16; \
            if (rx+rw - x < 16) \
                w = rx+rw - x; \
            if (ry+rh - y < 16) \
                h = ry+rh - y; \
            if ( (ublen + 1 + 16*16*(bpp/8)) > output_buf_size) { \
                     pthread_mutex_lock(&buffers_mutex); \
                /* LOG( "Writing buffer %lx of length %d\n", (long)
output_buf, ublen ); */ \
                    if ( !write_exact(output_buf, ublen) ) \
                { \
                         pthread_mutex_unlock(&buffers_mutex); \
                    return false; \
                } \
                     pthread_mutex_unlock(&buffers_mutex); \
                ublen = 0; \
            } \
            /* LOG( "sending hextile(%dx%dx%dx%d) ofsb=%lx\n", x, y,
w, h, (long) offscreen_buf ); */ \
                 pthread_mutex_lock(&buffers_mutex); \
            for( hh = 0; hh < h; ++hh ) \
            { \
                /* LOG( "offscreen_buf=%lx hh=%d\n", (long)
offscreen_buf, hh ); */ \
                fbptr = offscreen_buf + (x * offscreen_bpp) + (
(y+hh) * rw) * offscreen_bpp; \
                clptr = ((unsigned char*) clientPixelData) + (hh*16)
* (bpp/8); \
                /* copypixels( fbptr, (unsigned char*)
clientPixelData, bpp/8, rw, w, h ); */ \
                    translate( fbptr, clptr, w ); \
            } \
                 pthread_mutex_unlock(&buffers_mutex); \
            startUblen = ublen; \
            updateBuf[startUblen] = 0; \
            ublen++; \
            testColours##bpp(clientPixelData, w * h, \
                             &mono, &solid, &newBg, &newFg); \
            if (!validBg || (newBg != bg)) { \
                validBg = true; \
                bg = newBg; \
                updateBuf[startUblen] |= rfbHextileBackgroundSpecified; \
                PUT_PIXEL##bpp(bg); \
            } \
            if (solid) { \
                continue; \
            } \
            updateBuf[startUblen] |= rfbHextileAnySubrects; \
            if (mono) { \
                if (!validFg || (newFg != fg)) { \
                    validFg = true; \
                    fg = newFg; \
                    updateBuf[startUblen] |= rfbHextileForegroundSpecified; \
                    PUT_PIXEL##bpp(fg); \
                } \
            } else { \
                validFg = false; \
                updateBuf[startUblen] |= rfbHextileSubrectsColoured; \
            } \
            if (!subrectEncode##bpp(clientPixelData, w, h, bg, fg, mono)) { \
                /* encoding was too large, use raw */ \
                validBg = false; \
                validFg = false; \
                ublen = startUblen; \
                updateBuf[ublen++] = rfbHextileRaw; \
                    /* LOG( "sending raw(%dx%dx%dx%d)\n", x, y, w, h ); */ \
                         pthread_mutex_lock(&buffers_mutex); \
                    for( hh = 0; hh < h; ++hh ) \
                    { \
                        fbptr = offscreen_buf + (x * offscreen_bpp) +
( (y+hh) * rw) * offscreen_bpp; \
                        clptr = ((unsigned char*) clientPixelData) +
(hh*16) * (bpp/8); \
                        /* copypixels( fbptr, (unsigned char*)
clientPixelData, bpp/8, rw, w, h ); */ \
                            translate( fbptr, clptr, w ); \
                    } \
                         pthread_mutex_unlock(&buffers_mutex); \
                    memcpy( &updateBuf[ublen], (char*) clientPixelData, w
* h * (bpp/8) ); \
                    ublen += w * h * (bpp/8); \
            } \
        } \
     } \
    /* LOG( "Writing remaining buffer %lx of length %d\n", (long)
output_buf, ublen ); */ \
    if ( ublen > 0 && !write_exact(output_buf, ublen) ) \
            return false; \
    ublen = 0; \
     return true; \
} \
static bool \
subrectEncode##bpp(CARD##bpp *data, int w, int h, CARD##bpp bg, \
                   CARD##bpp fg, bool mono) \
{ \
     CARD##bpp cl; \
     int x,y; \
     int i,j; \
     int hx=0,hy,vx=0,vy; \
     int hyflag; \
     CARD##bpp *seg; \
     CARD##bpp *line; \
     int hw,hh,vw,vh; \
     int thex,they,thew,theh; \
     int numsubs = 0; \
     int newLen; \
     int nSubrectsUblen; \
     unsigned char* updateBuf; \
     updateBuf = output_buf; \
     nSubrectsUblen = ublen; \
     ublen++; \
     for (y=0; y<h; y++) { \
        line = data+(y*w); \
        for (x=0; x<w; x++) { \
            if (line[x] != bg) { \
                cl = line[x]; \
                hy = y-1; \
                hyflag = 1; \
                for (j=y; j<h; j++) { \
                    seg = data+(j*w); \
                    if (seg[x] != cl) {break;} \
                    i = x; \
                    while ((seg[i] == cl) && (i < w)) i += 1; \
                    i -= 1; \
                    if (j == y) vx = hx = i; \
                    if (i < vx) vx = i; \
                    if ((hyflag > 0) && (i >= hx)) { \
                        hy += 1; \
                    } else { \
                        hyflag = 0; \
                    } \
                } \
                vy = j-1; \
                /* We now have two possible subrects: (x,y,hx,hy) and \
                 * (x,y,vx,vy). We'll choose the bigger of the two. \
                 */ \
                hw = hx-x+1; \
                hh = hy-y+1; \
                vw = vx-x+1; \
                vh = vy-y+1; \
                thex = x; \
                they = y; \
                if ((hw*hh) > (vw*vh)) { \
                    thew = hw; \
                    theh = hh; \
                } else { \
                    thew = vw; \
                    theh = vh; \
                } \
                if (mono) { \
                    newLen = ublen - nSubrectsUblen + 2; \
                } else { \
                    newLen = ublen - nSubrectsUblen + bpp/8 + 2; \
                } \
                if (newLen > (w * h * (bpp/8))) \
                    return false; \
                numsubs += 1; \
                if (!mono) PUT_PIXEL##bpp(cl); \
                updateBuf[ublen++] = rfbHextilePackXY(thex,they); \
                updateBuf[ublen++] = rfbHextilePackWH(thew,theh); \
                /* \
                 * Now mark the subrect as done. \
                 */ \
                for (j=they; j < (they+theh); j++) { \
                    for (i=thex; i < (thex+thew); i++) { \
                        data[j*w+i] = bg; \
                    } \
                } \
            } \
        } \
     } \
     updateBuf[nSubrectsUblen] = numsubs; \
     return true; \
} \
/* \
  * testColours() tests if there are one (solid), two (mono) or more \
  * colours in a tile and gets a reasonable guess at the best background \
  * pixel, and the foreground pixel for mono. \
  */ \
static void \
testColours##bpp(data,size,mono,solid,bg,fg) \
     CARD##bpp *data; \
     int size; \
     bool *mono; \
     bool *solid; \
     CARD##bpp *bg; \
     CARD##bpp *fg; \
{ \
     CARD##bpp colour1, colour2; \
     int n1 = 0, n2 = 0; \
     *mono = true; \
     *solid = true; \
     colour1 = 0; \
     colour2 = 0; \
     for (; size > 0; size--, data++) { \
        if (n1 == 0) \
            colour1 = *data; \
        if (*data == colour1) { \
            n1++; \
            continue; \
        } \
        if (n2 == 0) { \
            *solid = false; \
            colour2 = *data; \
        } \
        if (*data == colour2) { \
            n2++; \
            continue; \
        } \
        *mono = false; \
        break; \
     } \
     if (n1 > n2) { \
        *bg = colour1; \
        *fg = colour2; \
     } else { \
        *bg = colour2; \
        *fg = colour1; \
     } \


// functions called from fb_watch_thread and vnc_thread

bool read_exact(unsigned char *buffer, int size)
   int p = 0;
   int i = 0;

   if (!vnc_sock_valid) return false;
   while (p < size)
     struct pollfd polls;
     int retval = 1;

     if (request_received)
       polls.fd = vnc_sock;
       polls.events = POLLIN;

       retval = poll(&polls, 1, 1000 / 10);
     if (retval > 0)
       i = read( vnc_sock, buffer + p, size - p);
       if (i <= 0)
         LOG("Error on socket read %d\n", i);
         perror("Read from socket");
         vnc_sock_valid = false;
         return false;
       p += i;

     if (request_received)
   return true;

bool write_exact(const unsigned char *buffer, int size)
   int p = 0;
   int i = 0;

   if (!vnc_sock_valid) return false;
   while (p < size)
     i = write( vnc_sock, buffer + p, size - p);
     if (i < 0)
       LOG("Error on socket write\n");
       perror("Write to socket");
       // assume the socket is broken
       vnc_sock_valid = false;
       return false;
     p += i;
   return true;

static int ks_decode(CARD32 ks)
         /* keysym to mac keycode translation */
         switch (ks) {
         case XK_A: case XK_a: return 0x00;
         case XK_B: case XK_b: return 0x0b;
         case XK_C: case XK_c: return 0x08;
         case XK_D: case XK_d: return 0x02;
         case XK_E: case XK_e: return 0x0e;
         case XK_F: case XK_f: return 0x03;
         case XK_G: case XK_g: return 0x05;
         case XK_H: case XK_h: return 0x04;
         case XK_I: case XK_i: return 0x22;
         case XK_J: case XK_j: return 0x26;
         case XK_K: case XK_k: return 0x28;
         case XK_L: case XK_l: return 0x25;
         case XK_M: case XK_m: return 0x2e;
         case XK_N: case XK_n: return 0x2d;
         case XK_O: case XK_o: return 0x1f;
         case XK_P: case XK_p: return 0x23;
         case XK_Q: case XK_q: return 0x0c;
         case XK_R: case XK_r: return 0x0f;
         case XK_S: case XK_s: return 0x01;
         case XK_T: case XK_t: return 0x11;
         case XK_U: case XK_u: return 0x20;
         case XK_V: case XK_v: return 0x09;
         case XK_W: case XK_w: return 0x0d;
         case XK_X: case XK_x: return 0x07;
         case XK_Y: case XK_y: return 0x10;
         case XK_Z: case XK_z: return 0x06;
         case XK_1: case XK_exclam: return 0x12;
         case XK_2: case XK_at: return 0x13;
         case XK_3: case XK_numbersign: return 0x14;
         case XK_4: case XK_dollar: return 0x15;
         case XK_5: case XK_percent: return 0x17;
         case XK_6: return 0x16;
         case XK_7: case XK_ampersand: return 0x1a;
         case XK_8: case XK_asterisk: return 0x1c;
         case XK_9: case XK_parenleft: return 0x19;
         case XK_0: case XK_parenright: return 0x1d;
         case XK_grave: case XK_asciitilde: return 0x0a;
         case XK_minus: case XK_underscore: return 0x1b;
         case XK_equal: case XK_plus: return 0x18;
         case XK_bracketleft:
         case XK_braceleft: return 0x21;
         case XK_bracketright:
         case XK_braceright: return 0x1e;
         case XK_backslash: case XK_bar: return 0x2a;
         case XK_semicolon: case XK_colon: return 0x29;
         case XK_apostrophe: case XK_quotedbl: return 0x27;
         case XK_comma: case XK_less: return 0x2b;
         case XK_period: case XK_greater: return 0x2f;
         case XK_slash: case XK_question: return 0x2c;
         case XK_Tab: return 0x30;
         case XK_Return: return 0x24;
         case XK_space: return 0x31;
         case XK_BackSpace: return 0x33;
         case XK_Delete: return 0x75;
         case XK_Insert: return 0x72;
         case XK_Home: case XK_Help: return 0x73;
         case XK_End: return 0x77;
#ifdef __hpux
         case XK_Prior: return 0x74;
         case XK_Next: return 0x79;
         case XK_Page_Up: return 0x74;
         case XK_Page_Down: return 0x79;
         case XK_Control_L: return 0x36;
         case XK_Control_R: return 0x36;
         case XK_Shift_L: return 0x38;
         case XK_Shift_R: return 0x38;
         case XK_Mode_switch: return 0x37; /* Mac Command */
         case XK_Meta_L: return 0x37;
         case XK_Meta_R: return 0x37;
         case XK_Alt_L: return 0x3a; /* Mac Alt */
         case XK_Alt_R: return 0x3a;
         case XK_Menu: return 0x32;
         case XK_Caps_Lock: return 0x39;
         case XK_Num_Lock: return 0x47;
         case XK_Up: return 0x3e;
         case XK_Down: return 0x3d;
         case XK_Left: return 0x3b;
         case XK_Right: return 0x3c;
         case XK_Escape: return 0x35;
         case XK_F1: return 0x7a;
         case XK_F2: return 0x78;
         case XK_F3: return 0x63;
         case XK_F4: return 0x76;
         case XK_F5: return 0x60;
         case XK_F6: return 0x61;
         case XK_F7: return 0x62;
         case XK_F8: return 0x64;
         case XK_F9: return 0x65;
         case XK_F10: return 0x6d;
         case XK_F11: return 0x67;
         case XK_F12: return 0x6f;
         case XK_Print: return 0x69;
         case XK_Scroll_Lock: return 0x6b;
         case XK_Pause: return 0x71;
#if defined(XK_KP_Prior) && defined(XK_KP_Left) &&
defined(XK_KP_Insert) && defined (XK_KP_End)
         case XK_KP_0: case XK_KP_Insert: return 0x52;
         case XK_KP_1: case XK_KP_End: return 0x53;
         case XK_KP_2: case XK_KP_Down: return 0x54;
         case XK_KP_3: case XK_KP_Next: return 0x55;
         case XK_KP_4: case XK_KP_Left: return 0x56;
         case XK_KP_5: case XK_KP_Begin: return 0x57;
         case XK_KP_6: case XK_KP_Right: return 0x58;
         case XK_KP_7: case XK_KP_Home: return 0x59;
         case XK_KP_8: case XK_KP_Up: return 0x5b;
         case XK_KP_9: case XK_KP_Prior: return 0x5c;
         case XK_KP_Decimal: case XK_KP_Delete: return 0x41;
         case XK_KP_0: return 0x52;
         case XK_KP_1: return 0x53;
         case XK_KP_2: return 0x54;
         case XK_KP_3: return 0x55;
         case XK_KP_4: return 0x56;
         case XK_KP_5: return 0x57;
         case XK_KP_6: return 0x58;
         case XK_KP_7: return 0x59;
         case XK_KP_8: return 0x5b;
         case XK_KP_9: return 0x5c;
         case XK_KP_Decimal: return 0x41;
         case XK_KP_Add: return 0x45;
         case XK_KP_Subtract: return 0x4e;
         case XK_KP_Multiply: return 0x43;
         case XK_KP_Divide: return 0x4b;
         case XK_KP_Enter: return 0x4c;
         case XK_KP_Equal: return 0x51;
         return ~0;

/* ***************************************************************

         The listener
*************************************************************** */

void listen_func(void *arg)
   // init
   int one = 1;
   struct sockaddr_in addr;
   int new_socket = 0;
   int addrlen = sizeof(addr);
   int listen_sock = 0;

   LOG("VNC listen thread starts as pid %d\n", getpid());

   listen_sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
   if (listen_sock < 0)
     LOG("Cannot create Listening socket\n");
   if (setsockopt(listen_sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR,
                                                  (char*)&one, sizeof(one)) < 0)
     LOG("Cannot setsockopt on Listening socket\n");

   addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
   if (get_numeric_res("vnc_port") == -1)
     addr.sin_port = 0;
     addr.sin_port = get_numeric_res("vnc_port");
   addr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;

   if (bind(listen_sock, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, sizeof(addr)) < 0)
     LOG("Cannot bind on Listening socket\n");

   LOG( "Started listen. Serving VNC on port %d\n", addr.sin_port);

   if (listen(listen_sock, 5) < 0)
     LOG("Cannot listen on Listening socket\n");
   while((new_socket = accept(listen_sock,
                                     (struct sockaddr *)&addr, &addrlen)) >= 0)
     if (listener_must_die)
     LOG("Accepted incoming\n");

     if (vnc_sock != -1)
       // there is already a vnc thread running
       LOG("Vnc connection rejected. Connection is already in progress (%d)\n",
       vnc_sock = new_socket;
       vnc_sock_valid = true;
       if (!create_thread( vnc_func, NULL, "VNC-thread"))
         LOG("Cannot start thread\n");

   // close
   LOG("Close Listening socket\n");
   listen_sock = -1;

This archive was generated by hypermail 2a24 : Sun Sep 24 2000 - 15:51:33 MDT