Mol 0.9.60 uploaded to experimental

Subject: Mol 0.9.60 uploaded to experimental
From: Samuel Rydh (
Date: Tue Aug 07 2001 - 16:13:25 MDT

I've uploaded experimantal 0.9.60 MOL RPMs to


Some of the modifications in brief:

        - Recent MacOS versions are supported
        - Auto-loading of the ROM file from the System Folder
        - The mol-kmods RPM contains several multiple kernel modules,
           compiled for different kernels.
        - Recent 2.4 kernels are supported
        - ELF loader (still under development)
        - '--test' switch added to startmol
        - The problem with the missing altivec symbols should
          be history.

Starting with the 0.9.60 version, MOL comes as two modules,
mol and mol-kmods.

mol-kmods contains kernel modules compiled against 11
different kernel versions. The thought is to make sure the
RPM is compatible with all major linux distributions
(and as many other kernel versions as possible).

I'd appreciate it if as many as possible could test the 0.9.60 RPMs.
In particular, I want to know if the pre-compiled kernel modules
are incompatible with a particular kernel version (MOL contains
a compatibility database, but it might be incomplete).

Some remarks:

        - This MOL RPM is compiled against glibc 2.2.1.
          It won't run on systems with glibc-2.1. The final
          0.9.60 version will eventually come in a glibc-2.1
          version too.

        - mol-kmods contains no support for SMP kernels;
          a recompile is necessary (mol supports SMP kernels
          on non-SMP machines but performance is suffering...)

        - mol-kmods was compiled against kernels with
          CONFIG_ALTIVEC enabled. I *think* it should be
          compatible with 2.4 kernels without AltiVec,
          but I'm not sure. (This is one of the things
          I want to know about).

Have fun,


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