Dan Brunet mol-general@lists.maconlinux.org
Tue, 06 Aug 2002 10:57:24 +1000

Hi Kurt,

> does mol work on PC's or does it only work on a mac with linux on it?

MacOnLinux is a program which uses the core PowerPC processor for simulating
a Mac Environment, it allows you to install and run the Mac OS (now
including OSX and PPC/Linux) atop of existing PPC hardware running the Linux

It doesn't actually emulate the PPC processor which would be required for it
to run on X86 hardware. It would be great to see development on this, but I
think Apple have a tight hold on anything which could jeopardize Hardware
sales and we wouldn't want to see MOL go under due to legal issues.

If you're looking to run legacy Mac OS applications and games on a PC, you
could try BasiliskII, which emulates the 68k processor. Mac OS 8.1 is latest
version you could run upon it and for best performance, you'll need to
extract the ROM from a Quadra.

Hope that covers it.
