MOL-0.9.64 available
Mon, 8 Jul 2002 12:41:13 +0200

On Mon, Jul 08, 2002 at 05:28:07AM -0400, Michael H. Martel wrote:
> > * New config system
> >
> > 	A directory, /etc/mol, is now used instead of /etc/molrc.
> > 	It is a lot easier to configure multiple sessions.
> I ran into this with the last sync I made from the bk tree.  Is there some 
> documentation on this coming ?

Eventually... In brief, mol parses the file /etc/mol/
All other config files are included from this one.

There are a few things which are useful to know:

- MOL only cares the first time it sees a particular setting.
This "feature" can be used to provide default values. That is,
things like

	ifeq ${session} 1 {
		enable_xvideo:	yes	# 'startmol -1' enables xvideo
	enable_xvideo:		no	# By default, no X-video

make sense.

- A few keywords are recognized:

	ifeq key str1 [str2 [str3 [...]]] {
		# parsed if 'key' equals any of the strings
	} else {
		# parsed otherse

	ifempty ${variable} {
		# parsed if ${variable} evaluate to the empty string 

	include filename
	echo "useful information"
	fail "error message"

The value of a particular variable can be evaluated through the
use of ${variable}. Variables are simply defined by

	variablename:		value

Options to startmol are converted to variables. The most
useful onces are:

	${session}		# Set by --session=num or -[num]
	${config}		# Set by --config=string
	${boot_method}		# Set by --linux, --newworld, --oldworld

Note: MOL no longer overwrites config files in /etc/mol
in the 'make install' step. At one time, the BK tree 
supported a '@variable: value' syntax. If you have config
files using this syntax, manually install the latest
config files from the doc/mol-0.9.64/config directory.

