OS X networking problems

Brad House mol-general@lists.maconlinux.org
Sun, 08 Sep 2002 20:44:16 -0400

Hi, just got OS X (10.1) up running via MOL on my Gentoo 1.4_beta
machine.  It works great and was simple to do.  But I've
got one problem:

Ping, telnet, ftp, and DNS tools seem to work great,
but IE, Mozilla, SSH fail to work.

The only thing I can think of is those programs using
BSD system calls ONLY work great, where those that
stray and use Mac-specific networking calls fail to

I'm using the  eth0 -sheep  driver.  I haven't tried
using the tap or tun driver because I don't have IPTABLES
enabled in my kernel.

Can anyone else confirm these issues?  It's really odd
how _some_ stuff works perfectly and some doesn't...

(My own programs that I've created that use only BSD
sys calls work perfectly, that's mainly how I've
come to the conclusion that it must be other internal
calls that don't work)

Again, this is my first attempt at using MOL, I've never
tried with OS 9, or anything like that either ...

