booting OSX problems...
Thu, 12 Sep 2002 22:57:06 +0200

On Thu, Sep 12, 2002 at 10:02:19AM -0700, Bill Mueller wrote:
> Hello all...
> Here's the situation, im running OSX 10.2 and am almost able to boot into it
> from MOL.  It seems to go a bit then hang.
> When I boot 'startmol --osx' I get a grey screen and a little spinning icon.
> The icon never stops spinning, but neither does osx load either.
> <*> ------------------------------------------
> <*> MOL acceleration for 10.1 (and later)
> <*> MOL acceleration for 10.2 (and later)
> <*> MolEnet::start
> <*> MolEnet: setPowerState 1
> <*> MolBlockDriver::starting
> ABlk engine error
> ****end****
> any ideas jumping this particular hurdle?

Well, an error occured when MOL was reading from the block device.
At the moment, there is no error recovery so the request will
never complete (and OS X will happily wait forever upon the

Error recovery should not really be necessary since no errors
should occur in the first place. Actually, I'm aware of a situation
when this error could occur without there beeing an actual error, 
namely if there is a short read (read(fd,buf,size) != size).
Fixing this has been on my to-fix list for some time now... 

Linux devices do not normally return short reads though (unless
there is a signal delivery). It would be helpful if you could add
a few printm statements to src/drivers/disk/ablk.c in order to 
determine if this is indeed a short read, a signal delivery or a real
error (e.g. a read past end of the device).

