frivolous exercise: lmbench numbers :>

Rob Latham
Sat, 14 Sep 2002 16:44:31 -0500

So, being a curious type, i wanted to see what effect MOL had on
lmbench.  I collected some lmbench numbers from mac os 10.1.5 running
natively and under linux (2.4.19-benh0).  The hardware is a g4-400MHz
tibook with 640 MB RAM (512 MB allocated to os x).

( 'localhost' is os x running directly
  'osx-mol'   is os x running via MOL )

I know this is 'frivolous' because  
  . the big push was to simply make it possible -- thanks !
  . os X *already* does really badly on lmbench: it's system call
    overhead is just flat out high.
  . i'm running an os in an os -- what do i expect :>

Anyway, if anyone finds the data interesting, i'd love to see a bit of
a discussion in this thread.  

Thanks again for making it possible to fire up os x w/o rebooting.

Rob Latham                                        Woodridge, IL USA