HOWTO: Mac OS X Networking -- General Response to the Thread (HTML E-Mail)
Mon, 30 Sep 2002 14:29:04 +0200

On Mon, Sep 30, 2002 at 11:49:36AM +0200, Jamie Maynard wrote:
> Setting up TUN seems to be where a lot of the headaches have come.  In the
> docs folder for your MOL installation there is a document on Networking.
> The second section of which is dedicated to setting up TUN networking.
> Included in that is how to create the /dev entries needed for the TUN script
> to work. 

> I will add you do need TUN support in your Kernel for this to work.

Actually, MOL comes with a copy of the tun kernel module, so
there is no need to turn on TUN support in the kernel (it doesn't
hurt though). MOL will load the bundled module automatically
if it is needed.

The mol-bundled tun module is only be available on 2.4.9 and
later. No sane person uses 2.4 kernels older kernels than that

> As you can see Samuel has also said how to create the tun listing in /dev.

MOL will perform this step too. The same goes for the /dev/sheep_net.

Working NAT (i.e. iptables) and the installation of the dhcpd package
should be the only issue the user has to address (and the later
is only needed if one wants mac-side DHCP).

DHCP server support typically requires a kernel recompile. Most
distros come with working NAT though...

