ext2 for os x

Rob Latham mol-general@lists.maconlinux.org
Tue, 1 Apr 2003 17:57:09 -0600

This isn't *directly* related to mol, but i find it enhances my mol
experience :>


I tell mol about my linux disk partition, and then i have access to my
files  inside my mol session.

couple of caveats:

. the os x driver *does* support write now, but i  give mol read-only
  access to my linux partition.  

. when a new file is created under linux, there's no good way to tell
   the os x driver that *something else* has modivied the device.
   (ext2 is *not* a shared fs like GFS). So you have to unmount and
   remount the ext2 volume to make os x aware of any new files you
   created on the linux side.  

read-only access works for me.  i'm not brave enough to try writing
data :>  (nor would it be a good ide for my setup). 

Rob Latham                                        Chicago, IL USA