Installing MOL

Kent West
Tue, 03 Jun 2003 15:31:54 -0500

Jennifer Waters wrote:

>Hi, I a new to Mac-on-Linux and I am trying to setup
>my iMac with MOL and am having some difficulties.  I
>have downloaded both:
>The installation instructions say bash$..., but the
>computer comes back with the statement that it does
>not know the command.  Do you have any suggestions on
>how I can get these downloaded?
I'm not familiar with the particular instructions you're referring to, 
but the "bash$" is probably referring to the bash shell. In *nix, you 
can have all sorts of shells; bash is one of the more popular. So just 
ignore the "bash$" part, and type whatever comes after the "$".

If you want to see what shell you're using, type "echo $SHELL". I think 
it'll probably be tcsh, but I'm not on an OS/X box at the moment to check.
