Newbie Question

Miguel A. Mota Jr.
Wed, 4 Jun 2003 16:31:32 -0400

Dear MOL General Mailing list,
    Hi all, I two days new to the mailing list and the quest to put Linux on
my G3 (new to Macs as well).  I was just given a Mac G3 for me/ our cluster
after inquiring about one, because I came across the Yellow Dog site.
Anyhow while researching a partitioning error I encountered while attempting
to install Yellow Dog Linux for my first time, I came across your site.  I
must say that I find MOL very interesting, and as soon as I figure out this
installation error (i just posted it to the Yellow Dog mailing list) I will
definitely give it a try.  I also got a copy of Win4Lin to try to run
Windows with Mac OS within Linux, as I saw in that interesting screenshot on
the site!  I however have one question, does the Mac OS run within/off the
one drive (Linux) or off a second drive (like if one does a dual-boot)?
Thanks to all for your time.

Miguel A. Mota Jr.
Juggernaut Cluster Team Leader