Despite Flags Locked Drive

Todd Marek
Sun, 2 Mar 2003 21:25:47 -0600

When running startmol I get the following error even though I have set 
the rw flags in my molrc file.

HFS+ /dev/hdb9        atomu              <read-write> 58643 MB
------> The volume '/dev/hdb9' is locked

Could not open driver 'drivers/blk.nw': No such file or directory
Mapping GC at 80800000
HFS+ /dev/hdb9        atomu              <read-write> 58643 MB
------> The volume '/dev/hdb9' is locked

Could not open driver 'drivers/blk.nw': No such file or directory
Mapping GC at 80800000

Then there is a black screen that hangs there.  Any suggestions?

Todd Marek