linux-in-mol drivers?

Samuel Rydh
Mon, 17 Mar 2003 13:14:54 +0100

On Mon, Mar 17, 2003 at 04:05:54AM -0500, Mark Guertin wrote:
> Hey All
> Are the drivers for this still available?  I saw a post earlier on this list 
> about them but they arent on the ftp site anymore it seems ?
They are in a BK repository (as far as I can remember, they have
never been on the ftp site):


However, the drivers are not quite up-to-date.

The ldev repository contains a couple of kernel modules. Since
the block and ethernet driver are among them, one has to
use an initramdisk and do a pivor root exercise.

I've done some work adding the MOL drivers directly to the kernel
(MOL really is a separate platform, so putting everything in
modules is not such a good idea). Putting things directly
into the kernel makes things much simpler. However, I need
to bring this code up to date.

Another things that should be done is adding 'emuaccel'
support to the linux mode (all mfspr instructions are
replaced with simple lwz instructions and the decoding
overhead of all other privileged instructions are
removed). For OSX, this resulted in a huge performance
gain and I believe the result for linux will be about
the same.
