porblem using mol 0.6.8 on beigeG3/300 macos8.6

Jorge mol-general@lists.maconlinux.org
Tue, 25 Mar 2003 20:56:15 +0100


well, i got to get this thing going, now i know a bit more about debian.

i'm runing a beet keeper kernel

    elpastordebits:/home/jorge# uname -a
    Linux elpastordebits 2.4.18-powerpc #1 Thu Mar 14 16:55:14 EST 2002 ppc
    740/750 GNU/Linux
and a mac os8.6 on the mac side with bootX

this is the partition where i have istall macos 8.6 usin macos system already 
installed at /dev/hda8
      HFS  /dev/hda10       BaseG3Extra    <rw> 7633 MB

this is what it does with no macos sistem available,it says
    Could not open driver 'drivers/blk.nw': No such file or directory

any clue?
thakns in advanced

---starting mol message and a blak screen ---

elpastordebits:/home/jorge# startmol
Mac-on-Linux 0.9.69 Copyright (C) 1997-2003 Samuel Rydh
Starting MOL session 0
Running in PowerPC G3 mode, 128 MB RAM
Timebase: 16.70 MHz, Bus: 66.83 MHz, Clock: 300 MHz
Could not open driver 'drivers/misc.nw': No such file or directory
Using USB mouse on /dev/input/mice
Could not open '/var/lib/mol/x11.kbd'
Could not open driver 'drivers/video.nw': No such file or directory
Fullscreen video on VT 8.
Could not open '/var/lib/mol/console.kbd'
Cache enabled for console-video
Video driver(s): [xvideo] [console_video]

       640* 480, depth 8,15,32   { 74.9, 89.9 } Hz
       800* 600, depth 8,15,32   { 89.9, 99.9 } Hz
      1024* 768, depth 8,15,32   { 75.0, 75.0, 90.2, 99.7 } Hz
      1152* 864, depth 8,15,32   { 59.9, 79.7 } Hz
      1280* 960, depth 8,15,32   { 74.7 } Hz
      1280*1024, depth 8,15,32   { 60.0, 74.1 } Hz
      1280*1024, depth 8   { 74.9 } Hz
      1600*1200, depth 8,15   { 59.9, 65.9 } Hz
      1600*1200, depth 8,15,32   { 76.1 } Hz

      CD   /dev/cdrom       CD-ROM         <read-only>   ------
------> /dev/hda7 is linux-mounted with write privileges.
Could not open '/dev/hda7' with read-write permissions
      HFS+ /dev/hda8        SistemaInterne <rw> 7633 MB
      HFS+ /dev/hda9        BaseG3         <rw> 7633 MB
      HFS  /dev/hda10       BaseG3Extra    <rw> 7633 MB
      HFS+ /dev/hda11       ExtraMurosG3   <rw> 7633 MB
No volumes found in '/dev/hdb'
No volumes found in '/dev/sda'
No volumes found in '/dev/sdb'

Could not open driver 'drivers/blk.nw': No such file or directory
Signal INT
One more to kill emulator
cleaning up...
Terminating threads...

---starting from the cdrom with a 8.5 installer---

elpastordebits:/etc/mol# startmol -1
Mac-on-Linux 0.9.69 Copyright (C) 1997-2003 Samuel Rydh
Starting MOL session 1
Running in PowerPC G3 mode, 96 MB RAM
Timebase: 16.70 MHz, Bus: 66.83 MHz, Clock: 300 MHz
-----> drivers/mods1.mkext: No such file or directory
-----> drivers/mods2.mkext: No such file or directory
Using USB mouse on /dev/input/mice
nvram, read_image: open: No such file or directory
Creating nvram-image '/var/lib/mol/nvram.x'
Could not open '/var/lib/mol/x11.kbd'
Could not open driver 'drivers/video.x': No such file or directory
Fullscreen video on VT 8.
Could not open '/var/lib/mol/console.kbd'
Video driver(s): [xvideo] [console_video]

       640* 480, depth 8,15,32   { 74.9, 89.9 } Hz
       800* 600, depth 8,15,32   { 89.9, 99.9 } Hz
      1024* 768, depth 8,15,32   { 75.0, 75.0, 90.2, 99.7 } Hz
      1152* 864, depth 8,15,32   { 59.9, 79.7 } Hz
      1280* 960, depth 8,15,32   { 74.7 } Hz
      1280*1024, depth 8,15,32   { 60.0, 74.1 } Hz
      1280*1024, depth 8   { 74.9 } Hz
      1600*1200, depth 8,15   { 59.9, 65.9 } Hz
      1600*1200, depth 8,15,32   { 76.1 } Hz

      CD   /dev/cdrom       CD-ROM         <read-only>   ------
------> /dev/hda7 is linux-mounted with write privileges.
Could not open '/dev/hda7' with read-write permissions
      HFS+ /dev/hda8        SistemaInterne <rw> 7633 MB
      HFS+ /dev/hda9        BaseG3         <rw> 7633 MB
      HFS  /dev/hda10       BaseG3Extra    <rw> 7633 MB
      HFS+ /dev/hda11       ExtraMurosG3   <rw> 7633 MB
No volumes found in '/dev/hdb'
No volumes found in '/dev/sda'
No volumes found in '/dev/sdb'

Can't read Elf32 image header
Fatal error: drivers/bootx is not an ELF image

cleaning up...
Terminating threads...
elpastordebits:/etc/mol# apt-get install console.kbd
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
E: Couldn't find package console.kbd

"vamos a tirarle piedras al chivero"
Faemino y Cansado