[PATCH] Fix radeon support for LCD scaling

Mark Guertin mol-general@lists.maconlinux.org
Fri, 28 Mar 2003 18:52:15 -0500

On March 28, 2003 09:05 pm, Benjamin Herrenschmidt wrote:
> Look at the part where I comment out the access to tmds_transmitter_cntrl,
> and un-comment it. let me know if that helps.
> Ben.

That was exactly the magic it needed to it working, thanks :)  I can mostly 
use mol on console now.  fbset preforms as normal, and the scaling looks 
great :)

The one thing that is still a bit strange is that my native mode is not 
60.000hz, but 60.021 which still kind of throws mol for a loop a bit.  The 
only way I can get the working native mode atm (the 60hz ones dont work for 
1280x1024) is to not configure any other modes, and the last option where it 
asks to use current mode works fine.... maybe this current mode option should 
be the first one?
