iTunes can't authorize computer...

Nirmal Govind
Thu, 06 Nov 2003 00:11:00 -0500

Thanks Greg and David.. iTunes works perfectly well on the native OSX so it looks like it's something to do with iptables like you David said.... 

So I think it comes down to - how do I set tunconfig so that OSX can accept incoming connections? Anyone have something like this setup? My current tunconfig looks like:

/sbin/ifconfig tun0
/sbin/iptables -D POSTROUTING -t nat -s -d ! -j MASQUERADE >& /dev/null
/sbin/iptables -t nat -s -d ! -A POSTROUTING -j MASQUERADE

echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

Please let me know if you know how this should be changed to allow incoming connections..


If you are using the tun device for networking, Linux and OS X are on
there own private network.   Additionally, Linux is also part of the
Internet network.  But OS X is hidden behind.

Internet -------- eth Linux tun0 ---------- OS X

If the iTunes software opens a port on OS X and expect the server to
connect from the Internet to OS X, then in the default config it will
not work.  You will need to tell Linux to forward all incoming
connection to a specific port from the Internet to OS X.

I am not an iptable expert and I don't know how the iTunes does it or
if this is the reason behind the problem.
Just want to explain that OS X is by default unreachable from the
outside because of NAT and IP masquering.

