mol-bk won't build under Debian-woody

Mati Ustav
Wed, 3 Sep 2003 14:57:14 +0300 wrote on 03.09.2003 13:40:44:

> On Wed, Sep 03, 2003 at 10:47:25AM +0100, Brian Ruth wrote:
> > I was just going to try the current mol-bk, but couldn't compile it, 
> > the current post!
> Try it now (there was a whitespace problem)...

It now compiles OK, but OS9 still locks up after ~ 2 minutes with this 
messages repeating on the console unitl I kill mol (Ctrl-C isn't enough):
Warning: unsynchronized timebase detected

Also, it won't update the screen any more after that, if I minimise the 
window and restore it again, I get a blank window.

PS. I'm running it on IBM RS/6000 43p-140 with a 200MHz 604e
