Game: Diablo2

Fri, 02 Apr 2004 22:15:14 +0200

Jens Schmalzing wrote:

>It is generally a bad idea to use virtual memory at all in mol.  Give
>it a larger chunk of memory, and configure enough swap space on the
>Linux side.
You were very right!
I disabld virtual ram, addes another 96mb (now 192mb) and Diablo2 works 
a lot better and faster.
Very good playable now :)

There is another problem I recognised together with Diablo2.
I have a usb mouse, it has three buttons, but all buttons seem to be 
identified as one...
left mouse button = left mouse button. right mouse button = left mouse 
button and finally even the wheel-button is identified as left mouse button.
Any idea? Thx for all tips :)
