PS/2 mice and MOL

Brian Ruth
Wed, 17 Mar 2004 08:53:41 +0000 (GMT)

> I appears the data stream has become unsynced. The PS/2 protocol is
> a multi-byte serial protocol. If the second byte of an event
> is interpreted as the first byte, then things get weird.
> I suspect you either have somebody else reading from the mouse device
> (gpm?) or that somebody did not read an entire message before closing
> the device.

Well, I don't have gpm installed, but this does often happen if I start MOL up
first thing, as soon as the computer has booted. I wonder if the firmware
might have done something to the mouse, and left the data stream from the PS/2
port in an unsynced state?

It also sometimes happens if I run MOL, exit it (back to the text console),
leave the machine for a bit, and then re-start MOL. Nothing should've happened
in the meantime - nothing which touches the mouse had been run.

Perhaps making MOL reset the mouse on startup might help?
