mol errors when starting

eric.bachard eric.bachard at
Tue Nov 2 08:37:34 MST 2004

Hi Adam,

Adam Done a écrit :
> On Tue, 2004-11-02 at 00:14, eric.bachard at alube wrote:

>>I have the same problem as you. I think the problem seems to come from 
>>gdm (or gdm proxy or something like that).
> Now would the libpng be part of the gdm or gnome?

I don't know. But sure, if this works again, it's probably true...

The strange thing I've noticed is that the "Mol Box" don't start anymore 
when I star mol in a terminal...Another reason to believe it's a libpng 

In fact I cannot verify for now, because I have lost my entire Mac OS X 
partition (DiskWarrior is working since 6 hours now...) .
I was stupid : I just forgot to connect my laptop to the power, and  the 
sleep seems to be definitive for Mac OS X (but Linux works fine next 
reboot without any problem) :-/


eric bachard 	<ericb at>
French Community contributor (build of french releases 
for Linux PPC and Mac OS X / X11)
See : <>

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