bad color depth in osx

Tommy Trussell tommy.trussell at
Wed Aug 3 09:55:26 MDT 2005

On 8/3/05, tristan <tristan at> wrote:
> it tells me:
> No video mode matching the default one
> Video driver(s): (console video)
> it seems that i am in 1440x900/8bits
> you could i pass kernel params in yaboot.conf?

I might be wrong but I think we're talking about two different things here ... 

I do not use yaboot on this oldworld Mac but I determined that you CAN
pass kernel parameters in your yaboot.conf -- put them in the second
stage bootloader section. it will look like this:


I think all of those are kernel parameters, but the append="" part is
where you will replace the ofonly with the exact parameters needed for
your video. Be very careful what you put there, however, because you
can damage your LCD if you use a bad parameter and leave it on the
screen too long.

The error message you mentioned sounds like it comes from mol -- have
you run molvconfig to set the available video modes? After you find
the kernel parameters I would run molvconfig again to make sure you
have selected the best modes for your system.

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