Building MOL-rsync from source?

Henry A. Leinhos henry at
Tue Mar 8 17:02:39 MST 2005


I'm on a YDL4 box (G4/466 digital audio, kernel+source install 
v2.6.10-1.ydl.1) and I'm trying to compile/run mol from the rsync'd tree 
for an OS9 only install (I can't seem to get the YDL4/4.0.1 src.rpm to 
build properly). I've configured it to build the sheep_net driver.

At first I simply tried make, but it fails during some alloc.h includes.

OK, I apply the alloc_h patch that's part of the src.rpm and get as far 
as some sheep.c errors (a bunch of 
/home/henry/src/mol-rsync/obj-ppc/build/src/netdriver/sheep.c: In 
function `sheep_net_receiver':
error: union has no member named `ethernet'
type messages).

So I apply the sheep.patch patch that was posted on the YDL lists.  Now 
I get as far as the netdriver, and get the following error:

+ Entering netdriver
make[4]: *** No rule to make target 
`/home/henry/src/mol-rsync/obj-ppc/build/src/netdriver/tun.c', needed by 
`/home/henry/src/mol-rsync/obj-ppc/build/src/netdriver/tun.o'.  Stop.

How does one build (a working) MOL from source for a 2.6.10 kernel to 
work with OS9?


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