MOL Networking Follow-Up

Tommy Trussell tommy.trussell at
Fri Mar 25 18:43:57 MST 2005

On Fri, 25 Mar 2005 19:05:29 -0500, Henry A. Leinhos <henry at> wrote:
> I'm running YellowDog Linux 4.0.1:
> mol-0.9.71-0.ydl.1
> mol-kmods-0.9.71-0.ydl.4
> kernel-2.6.9-1.ydl.8
> kernel-2.6.10-1.ydl.1
> Plus I've tried the 2.6.10 Yellowdog kernel tree from, as
> well as the rsync tree of mol.  2 patches have been posted on the
> Yellowdog lists: one dealing with an alloc.h problem, and the other with
> the sheep_net driver.
> As I don't have Mac OS X, I can only report problems with MacOS 9 (and
> the sheep_net driver).  Others on the Yellowdog lists report that Mac OS
> X works fine under mol.

Obviously the various distros have some differences in packaging...
and there is no 0.9.71 in Debian (the latest available is 0.9.70-17).
Of course there are two kernel modules -- mol and sheep_net -- which
have to be compiled against the same version kernel you are running,
or you could have trouble.

I'm running OS 9.2.2, but the Debian package separates some of the
drivers into "macos" and "macosx" versions, and I don't even have the
macosx drivers. For the ones I have installed, all those files go into
/usr/share/mol/drivers/ and there are separate .ow and .nw drivers.

I wouldn't be surprised if this is documented -- there are a lot of
doc files scattered around, though I have not grabbed the source files
to see if there are more docs there.

> I need to gather my notes, but I get to the point where I get a happy
> mac icon, but the machine utilization is around 99%, and I don't get any
> farther.  

I gather you don't see any messages when you run it from a terminal.

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