256 colors

simprix simprix at simprix.net
Fri Aug 11 14:25:58 MDT 2006

I have installed mol on ubuntu. I have a 12 in powerbook G4. I have
tried changing the depths, But on the mac side it is still 256 colors.
My configs look like this. 


# Mac-on-Linux video configuration

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Startup Resolution (this is used as a hint only)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------

resolution:             1024/768/60     # width/height/Hz
depth:                  24

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# X11 Settings
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
#       Some config options:
#               xdisplay:               remote.host:0.0
#               use_backing_store:      yes/no
#       Backing store is primarily useful if the X-connection is remote.
#       Note: X11-video is not as fast as full-screen video.

#enable_xvideo:         yes

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Fullscreen (Console/fbdev) Settings
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
#       The tool 'molvconfig' is used to configure the fullscreen mode.
#       Some config options:
#           vt:         9               # VT-number to use
#           gamma:      1.0             # gamma (parameter between 0.1
and 1.0)
#           gamma:      1.0 1.0 1.0     # gamma (r,g,b)
#       Ctrl-Cmd-Space switches back to the orignal VT

#enable_console_video:  yes

start_on_console:       no              # switch to console initially
autoswitch_console:     yes             # allow automatic switching to

#fb_modes:              /etc/fb.modes   # extra video modes for

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# XDGA (X11 fullscreen) Settings
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
#       At startup, all available XDGA modes are listed. Unfortunately,
#       some of the modes might be broken (depending on the video card
#       and the XFree86 version).
#       By default, MOL uses just a single mode with high
#       probability of working. However, it is possible to manually
#       specify multiple modes. For instance
#           xdga_modes:         3 5 9
#       instructs MOL to use mode 3, 5 and 9.
#       Cntrl-Cmd-Space leaves XDGA mode and switches back to X

enable_xdga_video:      yes

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# VNC Settings
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
#       For VNC information, visit http://www.uk.research.att.com/vnc/

enable_vncvideo:        no      # Enable the VNC server
vnc_port:               5900    # port to use for VNC


# -*- perl -*- (for emacs syntax coloring)
#  /etc/mol/molrc.osx
#  Mac-on-Linux master configuration file for MacOS X booting

# Parse other config files (these files are in /etc/mol/)

include         ${etc}/molrc.video      # video configuration
include         ${etc}/molrc.input      # mouse and keyboard
include         ${etc}/molrc.net        # networking
include         ${etc}/molrc.sound      # sound

# Misc Settings

ram_size:               96
disable_altivec:        no

# OS X Volumes
#       Volumes to be mounted in MacOS X are specified through the
#       blkdev keyword:
#               blkdev:         <device>   [flags]
#       where <device> can be a complete disk (/dev/hda), a single
#       partition (/dev/hda7) or a disk image.
#       The following flags are supported
#               -rw/-ro         read-write / read-only [default]
#               -force          force usage of device (be careful!)
#               -boot           boot from this disk
#               -boot1          boot from this disk (ignore other -boot
#               -whole          export the entire device (including
#                               any non-HFS partitions). BE CAREFUL!
#               -cd             CDROM/DVD
#       MOL will boot from CD if it invoked through 'startmol -X

blkdev:                 /dev/hda4       -rw

ifempty ${altconfig} {
    # default configuration
    blkdev:             /dev/hda        -rw
    blkdev:             /dev/hdb        -rw
    blkdev:             /dev/sda        -rw
    blkdev:             /dev/sdb        -rw

} else {
    # alternate configuration
    blkdev:             /tmp/osx.image  -rw
    #blkdev:            /dev/loop0      -rw

# SCSI configuration (also relevant for IDE CDs and other SCSI-like
# By default, MOL automatically scans for non-harddisk type SCSI
# If only specified SCSI devices are to be used by mol, change the
# the autoprobe setting below.
# Note: IDE, firewire and USB devices typically show up as SCSI devices.

autoprobe_scsi:         yes

# If SCSI autoprobing is disabled then devices must be exported manually

#scsi_dev:              "0:0:0"         # host/channel/id
#scsi_dev:              "1:0:0"         #

# USB Configuration
# Generic USB support. Devices that are _not_ claimed by specific
# USB drivers are seen by MOL. Note: Make sure the kernel is compiled
# with 'Preliminary USB device filesystem' support. Also, for best
# turn off drivers for specific USB devices (like 'USB Scanner

enable_usb:             yes
enable_xvideo:          yes

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