[yellowdog-announce] Power.org To Host Ground-breaking Software Summit -- 19 April 2007

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Wed Apr 4 09:01:32 MDT 2007

Power.org To Host Ground-breaking Software Summit -- Software designers 
invited to help refine Power Architecture software strategy.

Power.org will host the first Power Architecture Software Summit, a unique 
opportunity for software developers and development managers to refine 
Power.org's software strategy.

The Power.org Software Summit will focus on identifying solutions to 
challenges associated with software development on Power Architecture. 
Discussions will revolve around presentations that address a wide range of 
topics including:

	 - An introduction to and overview of Power.org.
	 - PlayStation3 -- a serious development workstation.
	 - Power Based Development Workstation Discussion.
	 - The business case for software on Power.
	 - Software development: Embedded, Simulators, Tool chains, IDEs and Eclipse.

Kai Staats, Terra Soft's CEO will present "The business case for software on 
Power" and an overview of the HPC Consortium and first Hack-a-thon.

This free Summit will be held at the IBM Briefing Center in Austin, Texas, 
April 19 and will include Internet conference capabilities for those unable 
to attend but interested in participating.

For details and registration, visit www.power.org/swsummit/

About Power.org
A growing, vibrant ecosystem of hardware technology companies, start-ups, 
software and individual developers. Power.org member companies create the 
Power Architecture hardware, software and systems behind millions of 
innovative, advanced digital products, from the world's fastest 
supercomputers to network backbones, from leading game platforms to 
drivetrains in more than half of today's car models.

To learn more about Power.org, visit www.power.org

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