Upgrading 2.1 to 2.2

Dan Burcaw yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Mon Apr 1 06:14:01 2002


The installer is just that. An installer.  It's not an upgrader.
Upgrade instructions will be posted today or tomorrow using
apt-get to do an upgrade. 

Config files are handled by rpm in a way that will only overwrite files
if it's appropriate.  Often, the old config files are backed up to
<filename>.rpmsave or the new file names are created as


On Mon, 2002-04-01 at 11:19, Thomas Kernes wrote:
> I cannot find anything including advice or just general comments concerning
> upgrading an existing YDL 2.1 installation to 2.2.  Is this not easily done?
> I have a fully functional server that I would like to upgrade, but I do not
> want to recreate everything and I can't find any information about this
> anywhere.
> Is a straight upgrade even possible using the installer?  Are ALL of the
> original files replaced (including conf files) by the new release?  So many
> questions.