No Airport on YDL 2.2 Again

Bill Fink
Sat Apr 13 20:31:01 2002

On Fri Apr 12 2002, Paul Guba wrote:

> Well back to the drawing board.  When I rebooted I was back to zero.  
> Same old story this is getting old real fast.  Can ping lan no wan 
> services.  Netstat on boot returns gw of  I can route add 
> default gw and then am returned that as gateway for eth1 aka 
> airport.  Any explainations as to why this is so unstable?  Why do the 
> routing tables continually default to zero?  Why does the not read the 
> .conf for eth1?

Hi Paul,

Well what I do that works pretty reliably is comment out the
GATEWAY and GATEWAYDEV entries in the /etc/sysconfig/network and
/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth* files and then create
a default route entry in /etc/sysconfig/static-routes.  For example,
mine looks like:

eth0 net default gw

If I understand your situation correctly, you would want an entry
that looks like:

eth1 net default gw

						-Hope this helps
