YDL 2.2 Install Fails on Titanium

Batmensch yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Sun Apr 28 12:44:01 2002

I am unable to complete an install of YDL 2.2 on my Titanium.  I have 4 
gig of free space on my machine, the rest is already divided up for OSX 
and 9.

It fails on the bootloader writing step.  Error is:

This module has suffered a FATAL error! ....

Bug Report Traceback:

TypeError:bad operand type(s) for +
File "/usr/lib/yi/bootloader.py", lin 463, in configure
  self.append = self.append + ("%s=ide-scsi"%device)

File "/usr/lib/yi/template.py", line 57, in __call__
  return self.configure(args)

How do I continue from here?
