swap space??

Timothy A. Seufert yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Mon Aug 19 15:44:01 2002

At 9:09 AM -0400 8/19/02, Michael George wrote:
>I thought the 256Mb limit was eliminated in the 2.4 kernels...  Is that
>still a (per-partition) limit in YDL 2.3 w/ kernel 2.4.x?

You are correct -- if you want a 512MB or 1GB swap partition to use 
with 2.4.x, go for it.

>We have an Xserve w/ 0.5Gb RAM, so I'd like to allocate 1-2Gb swap for it.
>I would prefer to do that in one partition, but I can do it in 4-8 if

Are you really sure you need to have so much swap?  Most workloads 
that could use 1.5 to 2.5GB of memory would be painfully slow if 1 to 
2GB of it was stored in swap.
Tim Seufert