Converting OS X AddressBook to KAddress?

Timothy A. Seufert
Tue Aug 20 21:36:01 2002

At 9:54 PM -0500 8/20/02, Robert Brandtjen wrote:
>On Tuesday 20 August 2002 09:09 pm, Timothy A. Seufert wrote:
>>  How nice of you to misrepresent me.
>How is that misrepresenting you?

Let's restore the snipped misrepresentation:

>Oh, and byu the way, those IBM drives you assured everyone would die last
>winter? well, all 4 of em are still running like champs without a peep from
>the kernel - nada, nothing.  They run 24/7, according to you, they should
>have died months and months ago.

In reality, I merely pointed out that IBM's own published specs said 
the drives in question were intended to operate no more than ~8 hours 
a day, which would tend to contraindicate their use in a 24/7 server. 
If you want to whine about being assured your drives would die in a 
fiery blaze, go buzz in IBM's ear -- IBM wrote the specs.

>are trying to say you didn't you criticize me
>for building my own machines?

While we're at it, no, I did not.  You were proclaiming that 
everybody should build their own machines from parts, and rattled off 
countless benefits.  I merely pointed out that there were also 
downsides to BYO, and that which way to go depended on individual 
circumstances.  At no point do I recall saying that you were wrong to 
build _your_ own machines.  (Though I wouldn't doubt that you took it 
that way, given that you appear to be hypersensitive.)

Feel free to prove me wrong.  I'm pretty sure there are archives out 
there.  I'm not going to check them right now, because it isn't worth 
wasting more time on you.

>are you saying you didn't criticize my choice of drives ?

No.  I am saying that you misrepresented what I said about them.
Tim Seufert