Converting OS X AddressBook to KAddress?

Timothy A. Seufert
Tue Aug 20 22:40:01 2002

At 8:37 PM -0500 8/20/02, Robert Brandtjen wrote:
>On Tuesday 20 August 2002 07:07 pm, Timothy A. Seufert wrote:
>>  It says "Mac" where on that page?  You try to make it sound as though
>>  Apple is the only company in the world shipping a GeForce 4MX card.
>>  They are not.  Nor is it the top of the line Mac video card.
>Umm, that's the click through from the mac link in the products

Hint: You get to the same exact GeForce 4MX page if you navigate 
through "Home and Home Office" instead of "Macintosh Products".  Just 
as you get to the same GeForce 4 Ti page whether you went through 
"Entertainment + Games" or "Macintosh Products".  NVidia sure doesn't 
seem to think the chips are any different, now do they?

>- the new ti
>for the mac has only been available a short time, and you know it.

Roughly 3 months.  Did I say it wasn't delayed?  (No.)

>The PC
>version has been available for nearly a year from various manufactureers

Check your facts next time.  NVidia launched the GeForce 4 on 
February 6th, 2002.  ~6.5 months does not equal "nearly a year".

>and currently can be had for around 150.00 less then Apple's version-

Did I say Apple's was cheaper?  (No.)

>As per what it can and cant do on the Mac versus the PC, suggest
>you consult your friend Mike at - in the heady days of the
>voodoo2 being availble for Macs, Mike used to run speed tests between macs
>and pcs - he no longer does, hasn't for a while, you can't even come close
>matching mhz to mhz.

Give the trolling for an advocacy fight a rest.

>He also noted when first reviewing the Nvidia cards for
>macs that the mac's couldn't perform several of the functions that the PC
>version could,

Mike:  "I wish the Nvidia GF3 and GF4Ti cards had Mac driver
         support for features like pixel/vertex shaders, FSAA,
         etc. as they do on the PC."

DRIVER SUPPORT.  As in, the hardware was and is capable.  (And guess 
what?  His wish is about to be granted; 10.2 has support for those 

Need I remind you that this whole dispute derives from a claim on 
your part that Apple was using feature-reduced HARDWARE?

>you will also note on his site that he states clearly not to
>attempt to flash the rom on cards meant for PC's.

If you were running a web site, you'd CYA too.  Flashing is known to 
work for several cards (the latest PC video card flashing craze to 
make the rounds on the xlr8yourmac forums is the ATI Radeon 8500).

>"Macintosh Products
>I currently own a PowerMac and would like to purchase an NVIDIA-based graphics
>card for my system. Where can I purchase one?
>Currently all Mac NVIDIA-based graphics cards are made and sold by Apple..."
>clearly, assuming they aren't lying, the Mac cards are proprietary.

As you've been told before, Apple's cards have Apple-specific 
features like ADC connectors and have a Mac Open Firmware / NDRV ROM 
instead of a PC VGA BIOS ROM.

This implies nothing about the GPU on them.

Which, as you may recall, is the part that you had originally claimed 
was castrated in Apple's cards.

>MY GOD your a pompous asshole, and I suspect as is the case with most people
>such as yourself, You have absolutley no reason to be in the real world, most
>often people such as your self are nothing more then weasles in the real
>world, who spend their time trying to pretend to be someone "special" in


>The truth about you and this email list is you spend most of your time telling
>people, in various ways, to use that POS OSX and drop linux,

Oh.  I guess I don't practice what you tell me I preach; Linux is 
installed on all of my computers and OS X is only installed on half 
of them.  I even have a Mac that has nothing but YDL on it.  I'll go 
flog myself in penance now.

>when in fact,
>Linux, even YDL, runs circles around OSX.

Depends on what you want to do, of course.  You'd have to be a fool 
to claim that YDL is better for hardware accelerated 3D than OS X. 
Just as you'd have to be a fool to claim that OS X has a faster file 
system than YDL.

>And it's free. Which I know is
>something else you dislike, seeing your posts vis-avis Richard Stallman

So, in your mind, I must either support everything RMS says and does, 
or be considered against free software?  Weren't you just accusing me 
of being a mindless Steve Jobs follower?  I have to be a mindless RMS 
follower instead?  (Somehow, I don't think RMS would approve of that 

Is Linus Torvalds really a Linux hater in disguise?  He's told RMS off before.

You get more and more outlandish with every passing moment.
Tim Seufert