apt-get just hanging?!?

Stephane Daury yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Wed Aug 21 19:10:09 2002

Hi there everybody,

I have been successfully using apt-get w/ YDL 2.3 for a while now, and 
ran an "apt-get clean" yesterday after a basic "apt-get upgrade".

All was working fine before, but now, apt-get is just hanging there, 
regardless of what I'm trying to achieve: install, etc.

When I run "apt-get update", I get the following, and then it hangs.
[root@starmax apt]# apt-get update
Get:1 http://ftp.yellowdoglinux.com apt/2.3/base/pkglist.main [640kB]
Ign http://ftp.yellowdoglinux.com apt/2.3 release.main
[ edited out for length ]
Ign http://ftp.yellowdoglinux.com apt/2.3/base/mirrors
Ign http://ftp.yellowdoglinux.com apt/2.3/base/mirrors
Ign http://ftp.yellowdoglinux.com apt/2.3/base/mirrors
Fetched 1409kB in 1m38s (14.4kB/s)

The process never actually becomes an official zombie, but it's just not 
doing anything (left it going for almost an hour, no timeout).

Is there any chance this is due to the servers just being overloaded?
I tried the Canadian mirror, but with the same result?

Any idea or insight will be tremendously welcomed! :o)

< NAME="Stephane Daury" MAILTO="stephane@artekopia.org" 
HREF="http://netjuke.sourceforge.net/" >