Hard disk Partitions

Bill Mueller yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Mon Aug 26 10:22:01 2002

Hello All,

I am trying to get control of my hard disk partitions.  I would like MACOS
9.2, Yellow Dog 2.2, and an old DOS partitions to sit on the same disk.  The
trick is to have the dos partition on hda1.

I've been playing with this a while, and I am stuck.  As far as I can tell,
you are unable to create an HFS partition in Linux (someone please prove me
wrong).  Furthest I got was to define an HFS partition on the last half of
the disk with MAC disk utility, then install YDL on the lower half.  Doing
this, I can't get fdisk to reconize the partitions to make my dos partition.

Any ideas?
