Local DNS Setup Question

William Carty yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Tue Dec 10 17:03:01 2002

James Applebaum wrote:
> I am attempting to setup a local DNS to resolve a local Intranet 
> service. Would like to do this on the same server as the intranet web 
> services are running from. The Server has no access to the outside would 
> so I am confused by the documentation... I expect this is much simpler 
> then the documentation is making it for my purposes.
> The URL would be home.<servername>.com
> If anyone has a good "I.E." basic config setup I would be very grateful.

You don't say what version of bind you're trying to use.  I'll assume 9. 
    Also assume that your local address space is :


options {
         directory "/var/named";

controls {
         inet allow { localhost; };
zone "." IN {
         type hint;
         file "named.ca";

zone "localhost" IN {
         type master;
         file "localhost.zone";
         allow-update { none; };

zone "0.0.127.in-addr.arpa" IN {
         type master;
         file "named.local";
         allow-update { none; };

zone "home.servername.com" IN {
         type master;
         file "home.servername.com.hosts";

zone "0.168.192.in-addr.arpa" IN {
         type master;
         file "0.168.192.hosts";


$TTL 604800
@       IN      SOA     foo.home.servername.com. 
root.foo.home.servername.com.   (
                         2002121002      ;
                         8H              ;
                         2H              ;
                         4W              ;
                         1D )            ;
                 NS      foo.home.servername.com.
		MX	foo.home.servername.com.	;

foo		A
host1		A
host2		A
<etc, etc>


$TTL 604800
@       IN      SOA     foo.home.servername.com. 
root.foo.home.servername.com.   (
                         2002121002      ;
                         8H              ;
                         2H              ;
                         4W              ;
                         1D )            ;
                 NS      foo.home.servername.com.	;

1       IN PTR  foo.home.servername.com.
2       IN PTR  host1.home.servername.com.
3	IN PTR	host2.home.servername.com.
<etc, etc>

Where 1,2 & 3 =, &

Other relevant files should have been installed by bind...  Watch word 
wrap...  Works for me, but double check the docs - this is a quick & 
dirty write-up, may have made a typo somewhere.  Tweak as per your needs.

Good luck.