Bye Bye YellowDog ... hello Gentoo

Sun Dec 22 01:58:01 2002


On Sun, Dec 22, 2002 at 03:18:42PM +1300, Bernard Mentink wrote:
> I have made the change to Gentoo for the following reasons (main):

gentoo is nice too :) but..

> 1. No dependancy Hell !!!

i am not so sure about that..

> 2. Compiled source optimized for my machine.

here i can tell you my experience.
i installed gentoo and removed yellowdog on a G4 867 Mhz, i t took an
entire night to compile a complete installation set. I was very careful
about choosing the right gcc flags to get perfectly optimized code for
my cpu.
well, after hours and hours of compiling i got a good distribution, but
anyway something that was a little slower than yellowdog and debian on
some tasks.
just to say it is nice, but i think it is not worth all that time to
compile...probably on x86 cpus the situation is completely differente
and you can get real spedd bumps using gentoo..

> 3. Easy, easy system or app software update with a single command

apt-get is THE command :)

> 4. Just better/faster yadayada ....

read answer to 2.

man0negra --------------|  (*_
on calvin.localdomain :)|  //\
ppc box                 |  V_/_
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