
Owen Stampflee yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Thu Dec 26 16:21:01 2002

On Thu, Dec 26, 2002 at 12:55:35PM -0800, donald jones wrote:
> How do you maintain current copies of software? I have run apt-get to
> make sure YDL is up-to-date, but many of the packages are behind current
> releases, some significantly so (Mozilla and gcc). Are people manually
> downloading source and building updates themselves, or waiting until YDL
> provides updates via apt-get? Are there other alternatives, or are we up
> a creek until YDL provides updates?
Those significant updates will typically break your system. Install gcc 3.2
and your system breaks, you being seeing any simpathy from me. 

> My primary concern is how do I make sure that I have updated software to
> account for security related releases.
apt is the source for all security updates.

Patience is a virtue my friend,
