Wallstreet Cardbus Ethernet - 100 MBS

Bob Sams yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Tue Jul 30 11:39:01 2002

I have YDL 2.3 running nicely on a Wallstreet, including 10MBS ethernet 
through the internal  ethernet device at eth(0).  I also have an Asante 
Friendlynet Integrated 10/100 Cardbus card that I'm trying to get 
working under Linux.
It is a supported card in the PCMCIA How To using the "tulip" driver.
Hotplug is active.
PCMCIA is on with cardbus enabled.
Cardmgr beeps once on insert and cardinfo lists a cardbus card.
Boot messages indicate a card in the slot enabled as pci device 6.
I've spent weeks trying to figure out how to get an ethernet device 
(eth(1) I suppose) to configure so I can use 100baseT on our network.
Any help folks could give would be appreciated.  I can't find a "tulip" 
driver file, although it's listed in the modules information file.  
I'm running the 2.4.19-a kernel, so pcmcia-cardbus/hotplug support 
should be enabled already, right?
Bob Sams