YDL 2.2 and PPC 7500

Christopher Murtagh yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Sat Jun 15 17:48:01 2002

On Sat, 15 Jun 2002, Mark Walker wrote:
>Do you need a home partition?  Or can you exist with just a root. I've
>tired with adjusting the partition sizes with no success.

 You don't *need* one, but because I was writing to /home/www/ via an
automated script (for mirroring ftp.yellowdoglinux.com), I wanted to make
sure that the OS wouldn't tank due to the drive filling up. Often people
will mount /var/ on a different partition as well so that rogue log files
won't fill up the root partition.




Christopher Murtagh
Webmaster / Sysadmin
Web Communications Group
McGill University
Montreal, Quebec

Tel.: (514) 398-3122
Fax:  (514) 398-2017