YDL 2.3

Jerry S. yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Sun Jun 23 08:24:01 2002

Hello All,

  I think it is great the TerraSoft is releasing 2.3, but have to
  wonder why 2.1 was pushed so quickly to "old releases"?
  Unfortunately I haven't been able to update to YDL 2.2 on my
  machines because of the need for IBMJava2 and it's inability to run
  on the default install of 2.2.  Is IBMJava2 going to be fully
  supported with 2.3?

  I also have to ask if yup is still being supported with 2.3?  It
  sure wasn't supported very well with 2.2, that is another reason
  that I haven't updated.  The website isn't very informative on these
  items either.  Everything still references 2.1 and the "Tasty" CD.

  Does anyone have any further insight into all this?  Any comments
  from TerraSoft folks?


Best regards,
 Jerry                          mailto:jer_57@cox.net