mozilla and RPM

Larry Kollar
Thu Jun 27 16:53:00 2002

Cynthia Croy wrote:

>   I would like to thank everyone that has helped me with my printer
> questions. I've gotten a little farther each time, but still have the
> same message re: make sure lpd server is running. The lpd server *is*
> running, but I'm getting messages when it starts up about "permission
> denied" ....

Aha, the system has the user "lp" start lpd. If lp can't write
to those files, you'll get that error.

As root, try this:

	chown lp /var/log/lp-errs
	chown lp /var/log/lp-acct
	chgrp lp /dev/ttyS1
	chmod 0660 /dev/ttyS1

Then (drum roll...) do:

	cd /etc/rc.d/init.d
	./lpd restart

That should fix your error messages. I had to do something
fairly similar to get my USB printer going.

Larry Kollar   k o l l a r  at  a l l t e l . n e t
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