Help... can I use this printer with YDL 2.2?

Simon White
Sat May 4 04:50:01 2002

02-May-02 at 19:54, Sean O. Denney ( wrote :
> First off, what is CUPS and how does it relate to YDL?  Second of all,
> can the old lpd print handler be put back into YDL 2.x, or am I stuck
> with what's there?

CUPS is a printer driver interface, or a layer between Linux and your
printer, something like that. I have seen it mentioned on the list a
number of times. You have to install it (it's a package) and then
configure it for your printer. Seems like the best way to go for YDL.

[Simon White. vim/mutt. GIMPS:99.83% see]
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