Webmin Install

Miguel Danielson yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Sun May 5 08:32:01 2002

I'm having difficulty getting Webmin to install.  I noticed that 
someone else posted a message indicating they're having the exact 
same problem about a month or so ago and nobody responded.

Thus, I'm wondering if anyone has gotten Webmin to successfully 
install on YD 2.2, or if this is a problem specific to a particular 
setup.  The error is:

# ./yup install webmin
Reading RPM database... (100%)
Performing dependencies sanity check...
Checking for package list updates...
carroll.cac.psu.edu ready
yup.db.stat: 0 KB read (97%) 2.2 KB/sPackage list is up to date...
Reading package list... (100%)

As requested, I will do the following:
[install: webmin]
Using cached copy of webmin-0.92-1a.noarch.rpm
Reading packages... Done
Unabled to identify operating system
error: execution of %pre scriptlet from webmin-0.92-1a failed, exit status 2
error:   install: %pre scriptlet failed (2), skipping webmin-0.92-1a

Thanks for any advice!
